capitol_arrests_012220-010521: 69

U.S. Capitol Police Reports parsed from PDF files by Andrew Ba Tran of the Washington Post. This data and original PDF files also located at This data is published under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license

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rowid incident_id individual_charge date time narrative pdf multiple_suspects
69 201015001249 sexual abuse 10/15/20 17:35 R/O heard a female screaming in the area of 500 North Capitol Street, NE. While canvassing the area, R/O was flagged down by multiple individuals in reference to the Suspect having his genitals exposed and following the Victim inside of 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, where he was currently fighting. Upon entering the location, R/O observed the Suspect struggling with an individual. While detaining the Suspect, he continued to try to pull away from R/O. The Victim explained to R/O-2 the Suspect forcibly held her against him while his genitals were exposed then followed her into the building after she escaped his grasp. The Suspect was placed under arrest and transported to Headquarters for processing. Arrest%20Summary%2010-15-20_10-21-20.pdf FALSE