capitol_arrests_012220-010521: 52

U.S. Capitol Police Reports parsed from PDF files by Andrew Ba Tran of the Washington Post. This data and original PDF files also located at This data is published under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license

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rowid incident_id individual_charge date time narrative pdf multiple_suspects
52 201024001272 uuv passenger 10/24/20 16:06 At approximately 1534 hours, R/O attempted to stop a vehicle that was wanted by the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) for multiple felony crimes that involved weapons. The suspect vehicle attempted to flee, however it became disabled when it struck another vehicle in the 400 block of Eleventh Street, SE. The five occupants of the vehicle attempted to flee on foot, but were stopped and arrested by USCP officers with the assistance of MPD officers. CSS responded and processed multiple scenes. An NCIC/VCIN check of the VIN, conducted by USCP Communications, revealed the vehicle was listed as stolen out of Fairfax County, Virginia. Arrest%20Summary%2010-22-20_10-28-20.pdf FALSE