NHSPI_measure_metadata: 67

Data provided by Big Local News. Data from the National Health Security Preparedness Index. The overall index is useful for examining a state’s readiness in dealing with any number of issues. There also are specific metrics that directly relate to states’ abilities to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic. With that in mind, we have pulled out and processed key metrics -- from preparedness for surge testing to evaluating how many people in each state have access to paid time off. Our goal is to make it easier for journalists to access and analyze for their reporting. For more information, please start with the NHSPI_READ_ME file. Questions? Contact biglocalnews@stanford.edu.

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rowid obsid index item_code domain_code domain_name domain_description subdomain_code subdomain_name subdomain_description subdomain_long_desc measure_name measure_description measure_rationale data_source verbose_data_source data_dates limitations
67 145.0 Index 4.1.7 4.0 HD Healthcare Delivery 10.0 PC Prehospital Care Prehospital care is generally provided by emergency medical services (EMS) and, includes 911 and dispatch, emergency medical response, field assessment and care, and transport (usually by ambulance or helicopter) to a hospital and between healthcare facilities. M140 Number of emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics per 100,000 population in the state Parametics and EMTs provide the workforce necessary to respond rapidly to individuals who experience acute health events, deliver initial care in the field, and provide transport to appropriate healthcare facilities for continued treatment. The size of this workforce is one indicator of a state’s surge capacity for large-scale emergencies and mass-casualty events. . BLS OES Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) 2012—2017 The measure may not distinguish licensed EMTs and paramedics from those that are licensed, practicing, and affiliated. BLS and other national data sources have been shown to undercount certain types of health professionals, and may differ considerably from the estimates available from state licensing boards. Since the measurement undercounting in the BLS data are expected to be relatively consistent across states, they should not cause significant bias in the Index state and national results. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) produces occupational estimates by surveying a sample of non-farm establishments. As such, estimates produced through the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program are subject to sampling error.