NHSPI_measure_metadata: 3

Data provided by Big Local News. Data from the National Health Security Preparedness Index. The overall index is useful for examining a state’s readiness in dealing with any number of issues. There also are specific metrics that directly relate to states’ abilities to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic. With that in mind, we have pulled out and processed key metrics -- from preparedness for surge testing to evaluating how many people in each state have access to paid time off. Our goal is to make it easier for journalists to access and analyze for their reporting. For more information, please start with the NHSPI_READ_ME file. Questions? Contact biglocalnews@stanford.edu.

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rowid obsid index item_code domain_code domain_name domain_description subdomain_code subdomain_name subdomain_description subdomain_long_desc measure_name measure_description measure_rationale data_source verbose_data_source data_dates limitations
3 5.0 Foundational 1.1.3 1.0 HSS Health Security Surveillance 1.0 PHSEI Health Surveillance & Epidemiological Investigation The creation, maintenance, support, and strengthening of passive and active surveillance to: identify, discover, locate, and monitor threats, disease agents, incidents, and outbreaks provide relevant information to stakeholders monitoring/investigating adverse events related to medical countermeasures. The sub-domain includes the ability to successfully expand these systems and processes in response to incidents of health significance. M19 State health department participates in the Epidemic Information Exchange (Epi-X) System The measure indicates participation in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-sponsored national information sharing system. Participation in this system provides access to national level alerts and raises situational awareness beyond state borders. CDC Epi-X Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The Epidemic Information Exchange (Epi-X) Program 2013 The measure does not evaluate the quality or comprehensiveness of state participation in the system.