NHSPI_measure_metadata: 15

Data provided by Big Local News. Data from the National Health Security Preparedness Index. The overall index is useful for examining a state’s readiness in dealing with any number of issues. There also are specific metrics that directly relate to states’ abilities to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic. With that in mind, we have pulled out and processed key metrics -- from preparedness for surge testing to evaluating how many people in each state have access to paid time off. Our goal is to make it easier for journalists to access and analyze for their reporting. For more information, please start with the NHSPI_READ_ME file. Questions? Contact biglocalnews@stanford.edu.

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rowid obsid index item_code domain_code domain_name domain_description subdomain_code subdomain_name subdomain_description subdomain_long_desc measure_name measure_description measure_rationale data_source verbose_data_source data_dates limitations
15 18.0 Index 1.2.2 1.0 HSS Health Security Surveillance 2.0 BMLT Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing. M1314 State public health chemical OR radiological terrorism/threat laboratory is accredited or certified by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) or Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) A laboratory must have federal certification to conduct testing for chemical agents. The measure focuses on certification or accreditation of a chemical laboratory. Also, a relevant certification framework exists for radiological terrorism laboratory certification. The measure also indicates whether a state's radiological terrorism laboratory has earned such certification. APHL AHLPS Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL), All-Hazards Laboratory Preparedness Survey 2013—2018 Certification may be based on simulated samples, since actual chemical samples are lacking. Selected responses from the 2018 survey have been corrected for Colorado and therefore no longer correspond to the originally published survey results