us_daily: 92

Data provided by Big Local News and snapshotted daily from the COVID19 Tracker,

This data as json, copyable

rowid date states positive negative pending hospitalizedCurrently hospitalizedCumulative inIcuCurrently inIcuCumulative onVentilatorCurrently onVentilatorCumulative dateChecked death hospitalized totalTestResults lastModified recovered total posNeg deathIncrease hospitalizedIncrease negativeIncrease positiveIncrease totalTestResultsIncrease hash
92 20201130 56 13541108 75521656 14883 96134 559871 18807 30469 6520 3205 2020-11-30T24:00:00Z 259690 559871 198352796 2020-11-30T24:00:00Z   0 0 1037 3394 580890 150031 1540152 a978ec63e07ecb2538d8f4962c2d9feb6ae65c28