us_daily: 67

Data provided by Big Local News and snapshotted daily from the COVID19 Tracker,

This data as json, copyable

rowid date states positive negative pending hospitalizedCurrently hospitalizedCumulative inIcuCurrently inIcuCumulative onVentilatorCurrently onVentilatorCumulative dateChecked death hospitalized totalTestResults lastModified recovered total posNeg deathIncrease hospitalizedIncrease negativeIncrease positiveIncrease totalTestResultsIncrease hash
67 20201225 56 18700692 87468987 10214 118948 662675 22418 35945 7831 3592 2020-12-25T24:00:00Z 322003 662675 244644249 2020-12-25T24:00:00Z   0 0 1553 2047 310214 126796 1481063 1efaa0f7702e05530a715e220772d5acb80e99cf