us_daily: 18

Data provided by Big Local News and snapshotted daily from the COVID19 Tracker,

This data as json, copyable

rowid date states positive negative pending hospitalizedCurrently hospitalizedCumulative inIcuCurrently inIcuCumulative onVentilatorCurrently onVentilatorCumulative dateChecked death hospitalized totalTestResults lastModified recovered total posNeg deathIncrease hospitalizedIncrease negativeIncrease positiveIncrease totalTestResultsIncrease hash
18 20210212 56 27266690 110517985 9434 71497 839121 14775 43389 4849 4126 2021-02-12T24:00:00Z 470995 839121 331450185 2021-02-12T24:00:00Z   0 0 5427 2347 508415 101030 1813462 18f82a634ab42998327621b6097dadb646762318