states_info: 52

Data provided by Big Local News and snapshotted daily from the COVID19 Tracker,

Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette

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rowid state notes covid19Site covid19SiteSecondary covid19SiteTertiary covid19SiteQuaternary covid19SiteQuinary covid19SiteOld covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestUnits covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestField totalTestResultsField pui pum name fips
52 VT Negative test results reported in our API and CSVs are calculated by subtracting **Confirmed cases** from **Total PCR tests (people)**. On February 13, 2021 Vermont's reported **Total Tests (PCR)** declined from 961,542 to 958,666 without explanation.On February 02, 2021, Vermont reported a decrease in Total PCR Tests (specimens) of around 23K without explanation.On January 4, 2020, Vermont posted that "the numbers of COVID-19 deaths now includes deaths among probable cases since September 6, 2020." Due to this change we are unable to update the **Confirmed deaths** metric after January 4, 2020.On December 23, 2020, Vermont announced on their [COVID-19 page]( there would be no update to their data on December 24, 2020 or December 25, 2020. On January 1, 2020, they noted that there would be no update to their data on January 1, 2020. On December 23, 2020, Vermont reported more new **Confirmed cases** than new **Total PCR Tests (people)**, which caused a decrease in the value of **Negative PCR tests (people)** in our API.On December 4, 2020, Vermont provided a timeseries for both confirmed and probable cases. We backfilled **Total cases**, **Confirmed cases** and **Probable cases** and updated **Total Tests (in People)** and **Negative** to match the new confirmed series.On December 2, 2020, Vermont added approximately 120 cases to its case count, representing **Probable cases** since the beginning of September in the state (previously, the state had only reported PCR-confirmed cases). It provided a timeseries, and we backfilled our **Total cases** field to avoid the impression of an additional 120 case rise on December 2.On November 26, 2020, Vermont announced on their [COVID-19 page]( that there would be no update to their data on November 26, 2020.On November 3, 2020, Vermont’s **Total PCR tests (people)** decreased without explanation. As a result, Vermont’s negative test results, which are calculated by subtracting **Confirmed cases** from **Total PCR tests (people)** decreased as well.On October 29, 2020, Vermont started publishing **Total PCR Tests (in specimens)** in addition to **Total PCR Tests (in people)**. We backfilled the full time series for this metric from Vermont's Arcgis layer.As of October 29, 2020, Vermont's total test results are drawn from our `totalTestViral` field instead of calculated via positive+negative. On September 23, 2020, Vermont's **total tests** decreased by about 80 tests with no explanation. On August 19, 2020, Vermont's **total tests** decreased by about 200 tests with no explanation. Between May 15 and May 16, 2020, Vermont's **total tests** decreased by about 1,000 tests with no explanation. Specimens totalTestsViral Total Tests (PCR) Positives + Negatives false Vermont 50