states_info: 44
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | state | notes | covid19Site | covid19SiteSecondary | covid19SiteTertiary | covid19SiteQuaternary | covid19SiteQuinary | covid19SiteOld | covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestUnits | covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestField | totalTestResultsField | pui | pum | name | fips | |
44 | RI | Rhode Island combines PCR and antigen tests in the total tests figure reported on the state's dashboard.The **Recovered** data point we report for Rhode Island reflects the number of COVID-19 patients discharged from the hospital and therefore does not represent the total number of people who have recovered from COVID-19, since many people with COVID are never hospitalized.On February 9, 2021, Rhode Island’s Total PCR tests (people) and Negative PCR tests (people) decreased by roughly 34,000 without explanation.On January 18, 2021, Rhode Island announced on their [COVID-19 dashboard]( that there will be no daily update due to the holiday, and that their data will next be updated on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.On December 31, 2020, Rhode Island announced on their [COVID-19 dashboard]( that their data would not be updated on December 31, 2020 through January 3, 2021. Their data will next be updated on January 4, 2021.On December 26, 2020, we cleared Rhode Island's **Confirmed cases** field as we learned from outreach it includes antigen tests in the figure. The full history remains available in the **Positive** field.On December 24, 2020, Rhode Island announced on their COVID-19 dashboard that their data would not be updated on December 24, 2020 through December 27, 2020. Their data will next be updated on December 28, 2020.On November 26, 2020, Rhode Island did not update their data by the time of our daily update, presumably due to the Thanksgiving holiday.On November 25, 2020, Rhode Island’s **Total PCR tests (people)** decreased by roughly 500 and **Negative tests (people)** decreased by roughly 1400 without explanation.On September 25, 2020, Rhode Island removed 240 duplicate cases from its case count, resulting in a drop from 24,311 cases to 24,181. As of August 17, 2020, our **Total tests** metrics include Rhode Island's **Total tests (in test encounters)**. | | | | @rihealth | | Encounters | totalTestEncountersViral | Total Test Encounters (PCR) | All data | false | Rhode Island | 44 |