states_info: 19
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | state | notes | covid19Site | covid19SiteSecondary | covid19SiteTertiary | covid19SiteQuaternary | covid19SiteQuinary | covid19SiteOld | covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestUnits | covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestField | totalTestResultsField | pui | pum | name | fips | |
19 | KS | Kansas combines PCR and antigen tests in the total tests figure reported on the state's dashboard.Kansas reports most of its data on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays only, so there are often large changes in the values, which can represent 2-3 days of data.The **Recovered** data point we report for Kansas reflects the number of COVID-19 patients discharged from the hospital and therefore does not represent the total number of people who have recovered from COVID-19, since many people with COVID are never hospitalized. Kansas notes that this metric only includes cases with available discharge information reported to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.On December 25, 2020, Kansas announced on their [COVID-19 page]( that there would be no update to their data on December 25, 2020 due to the holiday.On December 3, 2020, Kansas’ **Currently hospitalized** decreased by 342 without explanation. Kansas does not usually update their data on Thursdays.On November 13, 2020, Kansas announced that there was a "technical issue with displaying the number of negative tests and people tested" but that no other metrics were effected. The values for **Total tests (people)**, and the `Negative` field in the API, were carried over and will be updated if they become available.On November 12, 2020, Kansas’s **Total tests (people)** and `Negative` decreased without explanation.On October 21, 2020, the **Currently in Icu** value for KS dropped from 81 to 1 on the state's dashboard. We recorded it, but expect it to be revised at another point. On July 15, 2020, Kansas began reporting additional data from hospitals, and at that time, data for the **Now hospitalized** metric was only available through July 10.From July 1–July 3, 2020, we reported incorrect numbers for Kansas **Cases or Confirmed cases**. We have corrected the error.As of May 7, 2020, **confirmed and probable cases** are included in the case totals. | | | | | @kdhe | | People | posNeg | posNeg | All data | false | Kansas | 20 |