states_daily_4pm_et: 24

Data provided by Big Local News and snapshotted daily from the COVID19 Tracker,

Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette

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rowid date state positive probableCases negative pending totalTestResultsSource totalTestResults hospitalizedCurrently hospitalizedCumulative inIcuCurrently inIcuCumulative onVentilatorCurrently onVentilatorCumulative recovered lastUpdateEt dateModified checkTimeEt death hospitalized hospitalizedDischarged dateChecked totalTestsViral positiveTestsViral negativeTestsViral positiveCasesViral deathConfirmed deathProbable totalTestEncountersViral totalTestsPeopleViral totalTestsAntibody positiveTestsAntibody negativeTestsAntibody totalTestsPeopleAntibody positiveTestsPeopleAntibody negativeTestsPeopleAntibody totalTestsPeopleAntigen positiveTestsPeopleAntigen totalTestsAntigen positiveTestsAntigen fips positiveIncrease negativeIncrease total totalTestResultsIncrease posNeg dataQualityGrade deathIncrease hospitalizedIncrease hash commercialScore negativeRegularScore negativeScore positiveScore score grade
24 20210301 ME 44762 9532 1596027   posNeg 1640789 62 1529 20   8   12805 2/28/2021 23:59 2021-02-28T23:59:00Z 02/28 18:59 703 1529   2021-02-28T23:59:00Z 1631257 41755 1586808 35230 680 23     15014 845 14157           212478 10699 23 128 20560 1640789 20688 1640789   0.0 2.0 2a3e4c1bf44f4b20dd5125785284ad3d20e0cfa6 0 0 0 0 0