rowid,,id,user,created_at,full_text,retweet_count,favorite_count,State,Abbreviation,Website,Username 1,0,1366496475333722112,20196909,2021-03-01T21:12:02+00:00,Effective CS teachers must have thorough content knowledge and skills in computer science and understand the student learning progression. Review the Standards for CS Teachers today. @csteachersorg #CSforIA #IaEdChat #IaStandards,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 2,1,1366453193576751104,20196909,2021-03-01T18:20:03+00:00,Nominate someone today! #IaEdChat,1,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 3,2,1366378326525440000,20196909,2021-03-01T13:22:33+00:00, #IaEdChat,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 4,3,1366184412602376192,20196909,2021-03-01T00:32:01+00:00,The SEL Competency for Relationship Skills includes communication. Often we are listening while we wait to reply. It’s important for adults and children to remember to truly listen to understand. #IaSEL #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 5,4,1366142889085001728,20196909,2021-02-28T21:47:01+00:00,Congrats to Indian Hills Community College on their $1 million grant through the Career Academy Incentive Fund! Check out their exciting plans to bring a regional center to their Centerville campus. (ICYMI) @indianhills #IaEdChat @visitcentervilleia,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 6,5,1366120997485690886,20196909,2021-02-28T20:20:01+00:00,Know a fantastic 7th–12th grade Mathematics or Science teacher? PAEMST applications are now open. Nominate today! #PAEMST #iasciencechat #iowamath,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 7,6,1366109419105366018,20196909,2021-02-28T19:34:01+00:00,The Iowa Department of Education is looking for high-quality presentations from local and national experts addressing social justice and equity in education for our April 14 conference. PROPOSALS ARE DUE THIS FRIDAY! #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 8,7,1366095074476621825,20196909,2021-02-28T18:37:01+00:00,"Can’t bring your students to a concert performance? Beginning March 1, D.M. Symphony is offering free virtual youth concerts! Educators & students will learn more thru accompanying resources sent prior to the concerts. @DMSymphony #IAStandards #IaEdChat",1,4,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 9,8,1365788300603179008,20196909,2021-02-27T22:18:00+00:00,This makes sense to us! (ICYMI) @IAschoolwellnes #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 10,9,1365752329836900359,20196909,2021-02-27T19:55:04+00:00,The Bondurant Farrar Community School District school mascot (Bluejay) helped distribute meals to families during curbside pick-up. A fun surprise that engaged students in a positive way! Fun! @BF_District #IaEdChat,1,5,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 11,10,1365743513057587200,20196909,2021-02-27T19:20:02+00:00,Check out these openings! #IaEdChat,1,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 12,11,1365402455966699522,20196909,2021-02-26T20:44:48+00:00,"RT @IADeptofEd: Can’t bring your students to a concert performance? Beginning March 1, D.M. Symphony is offering free virtual youth concert…",5,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 13,12,1365363045048975360,20196909,2021-02-26T18:08:11+00:00,The SEL Competency for Relationship Skills includes communication. Often we are listening while we wait to reply. It’s important for adults and children to remember to truly listen to understand. #IaSEL #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 14,13,1365292309584244739,20196909,2021-02-26T13:27:07+00:00,"Can’t bring your students to a concert performance? Beginning March 1, D.M. Symphony is offering free virtual youth concerts! Educators & students will learn more thru accompanying resources sent prior to the concerts. @DMSymphony #IAStandards #IaEdChat",5,4,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 15,14,1365289883875573761,20196909,2021-02-26T13:17:28+00:00,"Teachers across the state are invited to participate in a series of free, virtual workshops from D.M. Performing Arts and D.M. Public Schools. No prior arts experience is necessary. Capacity is limited, so register today at #IaEdChat #ArtsEd #IaStandards",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 16,15,1365026793430867968,20196909,2021-02-25T19:52:03+00:00,"Students are kept nourished and healthy thanks to creative Dallas Center Grimes nutrition staff innovative menu planning and colorful, appealing Grab-and-Go meals. Nice going! @DCGDistrict #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 17,16,1365009174627823620,20196909,2021-02-25T18:42:02+00:00,Nominate someone today! #IaEdChat @ctburke42,2,4,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 18,17,1364929753598296067,20196909,2021-02-25T13:26:27+00:00,This makes sense to us! @IAschoolwellnes #IaEdChat,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 19,18,1364683529297231874,20196909,2021-02-24T21:08:02+00:00,Check out these openings! #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 20,19,1364638234798665735,20196909,2021-02-24T18:08:03+00:00,There are over 3000 CTE secondary teachers and over 2000 postsecondary CTE educators in Iowa that teach #realskillsforreallife. Find out more about how to become a CTE Teacher at #CTEMonth\,2,3,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 21,20,1364585073731919873,20196909,2021-02-24T14:36:48+00:00,Congrats to Indian Hills Community College on their $1 million grant through the Career Academy Incentive Fund! Check out their exciting plans to bring a regional center to their Centerville campus. @indianhills #IaEdChat @visitcentervilleia,0,4,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 22,21,1364564401911705601,20196909,2021-02-24T13:14:40+00:00,"RT @IAReading: It may feel like wearing your lucky shirt helped you ace that test, but a researcher would say ""show me the evidence of a ca…",1,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 23,22,1364562227978731529,20196909,2021-02-24T13:06:02+00:00,The Iowa Department of Education is looking for high-quality presentations from local and national experts addressing social justice and equity in education for our April 14 conference. Send us your proposal today! #IaEdChat,0,2,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 24,23,1364277692691058691,20196909,2021-02-23T18:15:23+00:00,Nominate someone today! #IaEdChat,1,2,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 25,24,1363961266608476161,20196909,2021-02-22T21:18:01+00:00,Make plans to join us for the 2nd Annual Social Justice and Equity Virtual Conference on April 14. There is no registration fee. Register today: #IaEdChat,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 26,25,1363938267490623490,20196909,2021-02-22T19:46:38+00:00,"RT @iowa_aea: Parents: If your child needs mental health support, you can find contact information for your Mental Health & Disability Serv…",7,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 27,26,1363938142617817092,20196909,2021-02-22T19:46:08+00:00,RT @IAReading: We offer free virtual assistive technology consultation appointments to families of children with dyslexia or other reading…,2,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 28,27,1363911194831159305,20196909,2021-02-22T17:59:03+00:00,"Agriculture Education in Iowa: 16,162 FFA members in 285 schools gaining career experience and developing skills for an Iowa Essential Industry. #CareerTech #CTE Month @Iowaffa @IACTE",0,2,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 29,28,1363838540933705730,20196909,2021-02-22T13:10:21+00:00,Know a fantastic 7th–12th grade Mathematics or Science teacher? PAEMST applications are now open. Nominate today! #PAEMST #iasciencechat #iowamath,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 30,29,1363640652412686339,20196909,2021-02-22T00:04:01+00:00,The SEL Competency for Relationship Skills includes communication. Often we are listening while we wait to reply. It’s important for adults and children to remember to truly listen to understand. #IaSEL #IaEdChat,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 31,30,1363622534365741057,20196909,2021-02-21T22:52:01+00:00,"This marketing project on the Clearinghouse for Work-Based Learning comes with instructional resources, exciting partners and a statewide design challenge! Check it out and get involved! @iowa_insider @IowaBizCouncil @IowaPBS",1,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 32,31,1363594394952081411,20196909,2021-02-21T21:00:12+00:00,"Only 3% of Black students learn computer science in h.s. or beyond. Encourage students to try computer science, and let them know they belong. Together let’s change the face of computer science. #BlackVoicesForCS #CSforIA @codeorg #IaEdChat #IaStandards",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 33,32,1363585037657120769,20196909,2021-02-21T20:23:01+00:00,Nominate someone today! #IaEdChat,1,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 34,33,1363568930678308865,20196909,2021-02-21T19:19:01+00:00,"3 Iowa schools were each awarded a $1 million grant through the Career Academy Incentive Fund, which helps students access career academy programs that are in high-demand fields (ICYMI) @WaterlooSchools @tweet_eicc @IndianHills #IaEdChat",1,2,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 35,34,1363253095791276033,20196909,2021-02-20T22:24:00+00:00,"Top science, mathematics teachers are honored! @SEPSchools @AnkenySchools @WaukeeCSD #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 36,35,1363229195275554816,20196909,2021-02-20T20:49:02+00:00,The time to connect with your future workforce is now! Post a project on the Iowa Clearinghouse for Work-Based Learning’s project board to get fresh perspectives and help grow today’s students into tomorrow’s professionals. Check out this video! #IaEdchat,0,3,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 37,36,1363225167388934144,20196909,2021-02-20T20:33:02+00:00,The Iowa Department of Education is looking for high-quality presentations from local and national experts addressing social justice and equity in education for our April 14 conference. Send us your proposal today! #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 38,37,1363222650080886786,20196909,2021-02-20T20:23:01+00:00,Nominate someone today! #IaEdChat,1,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 39,38,1362867818383966221,20196909,2021-02-19T20:53:03+00:00,".@CRSchools Superintendent Noreen Bush was awarded the National Female Superintendent Award today!!! You deserve it, Noreen! And congratulations! #IaEdChat @NoreenCBush @aelebo",3,14,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 40,39,1362829058963341313,20196909,2021-02-19T18:19:02+00:00,Make plans to join us for the 2nd Annual Social Justice and Equity Virtual Conference on April 14. There is no registration fee. Register today: #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 41,40,1362748935014555650,20196909,2021-02-19T13:00:39+00:00,Make plans to join us for the 2nd Annual Social Justice and Equity Virtual Conference on April 14. There is no registration fee. Register today: #IaEdChat,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 42,41,1362523924358172684,20196909,2021-02-18T22:06:32+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: With affective questions, you can bring everyone to the table -- those harmed, those who have harmed -- to bring resolution. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 43,42,1362523553686564875,20196909,2021-02-18T22:05:04+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: As we move from affective language to affective questions, they enable to get people talking in a non-threatening way. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 44,43,1362523008938688513,20196909,2021-02-18T22:02:54+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: Students struggle with expressing themselves (adults, too). Sometimes we can't label how we are feeling. How do we normalize conversation on how we're feeling? @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 45,44,1362522514451288064,20196909,2021-02-18T22:00:56+00:00,@JustinBlietz: Your personal frustration can hijiack your perceptions of what is really going on. @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 46,45,1362520117335195657,20196909,2021-02-18T21:51:25+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: The more support there is and less disciplinary action, you can raise accountability. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 47,46,1362519287731277827,20196909,2021-02-18T21:48:07+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: Involve students in the process, rather than doing things to students. Kids are happier to make positive changes when the teacher does positive things with the student. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 48,47,1362519045027868686,20196909,2021-02-18T21:47:09+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: If you think the student is being disrespectful, think in terms of the shame affect: what triggered it in the student? @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 49,48,1362518839376887808,20196909,2021-02-18T21:46:20+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: But when I finally reflected, I was able to tell myself that I created a lesson that didn't resonate with the students. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 50,49,1362518679062253569,20196909,2021-02-18T21:45:42+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: We all experience shame; our shame affect is triggered several times a day. For instance, when I was a science teacher, I got a lesson ready & was excited. The kids don't engage in the lesson. My 1st response: gosh, I don't believe these kids! @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 51,50,1362518318264033281,20196909,2021-02-18T21:44:16+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: With the shame affect, there are different characteristics: avoidance, withdrawal, self-attack (self put downs) and attack others. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 52,51,1362518039116267526,20196909,2021-02-18T21:43:09+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: The affect shame: it is anytime a positive affect is interrupted. For instance, if you're talking to friends and a teacher yells at you, the shame affect kicks in. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 53,52,1362517648039424005,20196909,2021-02-18T21:41:36+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: An affect is innate, it is not emotion. An affect is how we are all hard-wired. Emotions are entirely separate. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 54,53,1362516971682750465,20196909,2021-02-18T21:38:55+00:00,@JustinBlietz: Restorative practices are rooted in science. @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 55,54,1362516705000439809,20196909,2021-02-18T21:37:51+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: What values do people hold? What kind of environment will that be? It's frustrating work, of course, because you don't see results right away. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 56,55,1362516503044759552,20196909,2021-02-18T21:37:03+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: Your first year of working on restorative practices, learn who we -- the school -- are. Everyone. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 57,56,1362516302007574531,20196909,2021-02-18T21:36:15+00:00,@JustinBlietz: Restorative practices: How do we gain voice and empower people in community to help design space for everyone? @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 58,57,1362515903011815429,20196909,2021-02-18T21:34:40+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: Shift perspective -- though I believe this, others believe that. How do we bring those together? @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 59,58,1362515760451620876,20196909,2021-02-18T21:34:06+00:00,@JustinBlietz: Move to an intercultural mindset. @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 60,59,1362515601000914944,20196909,2021-02-18T21:33:28+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: ""The district really cares about you."" Really? Is that what your students truly think? @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 61,60,1362515429420265472,20196909,2021-02-18T21:32:47+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: Or minimization: ""Oh, I don't see color."" It's not about our intent, it's about our outcomes. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 62,61,1362515219252183040,20196909,2021-02-18T21:31:57+00:00,@JustinBlietz: How do you interact across cultures? Start with denial: Culture doesn't play into anything. Wrong. @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 63,62,1362515084556263432,20196909,2021-02-18T21:31:25+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: If your goal is to lower suspensions, good luck. Instead you need to delve into the culture of the school to see what's going on to induce high suspension rates. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 64,63,1362514254792978432,20196909,2021-02-18T21:28:07+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: We all have culture - sometimes it's so ingrained we don't recognize it. Part of the culture is being very focused on rules, laws, vertical power structures. It's not wrong. But it could run counter to other cultures. We need to recognize that. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 65,64,1362513663580655616,20196909,2021-02-18T21:25:46+00:00,@JustinBlietz: Restorative practices is nothing new. @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 66,65,1362513277994041345,20196909,2021-02-18T21:24:14+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: In Western Culture, oftentimes we view behavior as a will issue rather than a skill issue. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 67,66,1362513057981878272,20196909,2021-02-18T21:23:21+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: School discipline is deeply rooted in cultural dimensions, norms and values. We need to be cognitive of that. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 68,67,1362512676509917194,20196909,2021-02-18T21:21:50+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: If we assume students engage in behaviors that are not consistent with our values, we WILL find it. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 69,68,1362512454358618114,20196909,2021-02-18T21:20:58+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: It's a system issue. It increases likelihood of low performance, possibly criminal system. And we know that students of color are overidentified for punishment. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 70,69,1362512218634530822,20196909,2021-02-18T21:20:01+00:00,@JustinBlietz: But what are the unintended consequences of exclusionary discipline? It increases the likelihood that behavior will surface again. @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 71,70,1362511834201399307,20196909,2021-02-18T21:18:30+00:00,@JustinBlietz: There are times we should use exclusionary discipline. But not always. @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 72,71,1362511610569519108,20196909,2021-02-18T21:17:36+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: When we're responding to a student, we often use these behavior modification strategies, such as ""if you don't stop, you will have detention."" But when student is operating w/ the emotional side of brain, they can't see beyond 30 seconds. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 73,72,1362510772543324160,20196909,2021-02-18T21:14:17+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: Students who need most support, most academic help, are often shunned by the school community. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 74,73,1362510408754552834,20196909,2021-02-18T21:12:50+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: That, in turn, creates more trauma for students. What we rarely talk about is the stress and trauma that we actually cause in schools, via disciplines, culturally incompetent classwork, etc. It's a vicious cycle. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 75,74,1362510120568164352,20196909,2021-02-18T21:11:41+00:00,@JustinBlietz: That will lead to skill deficits that lead to challenging behavior. What do we typically do? We respond with punitive discipline. @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 76,75,1362509976229588992,20196909,2021-02-18T21:11:07+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: It's important to recognize that when students experience chronic stress and trauma, it biologically affects their brains. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 77,76,1362509721605967878,20196909,2021-02-18T21:10:06+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: Schools are slow to change. Much of what we do, especially supporting social-emotional learning, is based on what we feel, rather than evidence. And that's the disconnect. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 78,77,1362509463048114176,20196909,2021-02-18T21:09:04+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: We agree that we want better for our students, but there's a disconnect between what we value and the outcomes we have with students. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 79,78,1362509290880323584,20196909,2021-02-18T21:08:23+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: If we were living within our core values, would we be in the right place? Would it make schools safer, more welcoming? Consider it. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 80,79,1362509099477446660,20196909,2021-02-18T21:07:38+00:00,@JustinBlietz: Students are not doing well. Do students feel safe in school? @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 81,80,1362508832673521672,20196909,2021-02-18T21:06:34+00:00,@JustinBlietz: Consider: 1 in 4 students attending school are exposed to traumatic stress. 14% of children experience abuse by a caregiver. 1/3 students have been bullied in schools 11% of girls 14-17 have been sexually assaulted. @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 82,81,1362508593459834881,20196909,2021-02-18T21:05:37+00:00,"@JustinBlietz: As educators, the success of our community should be based on how well our children are doing. But the real picture isn't rosy. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 83,82,1362508323174699013,20196909,2021-02-18T21:04:33+00:00,@JustinBlietz: What are your core values related to teaching and learning? What are the core values of your organization? What are the characteristics of a high-functioning school/organization? @CRSchools #IaEdChat,0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 84,83,1362508116349382663,20196909,2021-02-18T21:03:43+00:00,".@JustinBlietz: We spend a lot of time talking about policies, etc., but not near as much time on talking about our core values. @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 85,84,1362507061079212040,20196909,2021-02-18T20:59:32+00:00,"Excited to hear what @JustinBlietz has to say about ""Achieving equity through restorative practices."" @CRSchools #IaEdChat",0,2,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 86,85,1362499696170856467,20196909,2021-02-18T20:30:16+00:00,"""Creating Restorative Schools and Classrooms"" is our final social justice and equity webinar STARTING in 30 minutes! This webinar will look at making schools build communities to foster well being for all. More info and register: #IaEdChat",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 87,86,1362469185981468675,20196909,2021-02-18T18:29:02+00:00,Nominate someone today! #IaEdChat,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 88,87,1362389869809532929,20196909,2021-02-18T13:13:51+00:00,"Top science, mathematics teachers are honored! @SEPSchools @AnkenySchools @WaukeeCSD #IaEdChat",1,2,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 89,88,1362389661944061953,20196909,2021-02-18T13:13:02+00:00,The Iowa Department of Education is looking for high-quality presentations from local and national experts addressing social justice and equity in education for our April 14 conference. Send us your proposal today! #IaEdChat,1,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 90,89,1362387142459199489,20196909,2021-02-18T13:03:01+00:00,"""Creating Restorative Schools and Classrooms"" is our final social justice and equity webinar TODAY at 3 p.m. This webinar will look at making schools build communities to foster well being for all. More info and register: #IaEdChat",1,2,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 91,90,1362146580342726662,20196909,2021-02-17T21:07:06+00:00,"In 2019-2020, secondary Career and Technical Student Organization membership steadily increased, reaching a record high of 27,155 students.#cteworksforiowa #CareerTech #CTE Month",0,2,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 92,91,1362099768919543809,20196909,2021-02-17T18:01:06+00:00,"""Creating Restorative Schools and Classrooms"" is our final social justice and equity webinar TOMORROW/THURSDAY at 3 p.m. This webinar will look at making schools build communities to foster well being for all. More info and register: #IaEdChat",1,1,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 93,92,1362052038943789057,20196909,2021-02-17T14:51:26+00:00,"RT @IowaCET: While teachers of color are being hired faster than their White peers, they are also leaving the workplace faster?@teachplus @…",1,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 94,93,1362051962791997446,20196909,2021-02-17T14:51:08+00:00,"RT @IASB_Iowa: Superintendents attending ISFLC today heard from @aelebo @IADeptofEd about the department's priorities, including expansion…",1,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 95,94,1362024758741782530,20196909,2021-02-17T13:03:02+00:00,The SEL Competency for Relationship Skills includes communication. Often we are listening while we wait to reply. It’s important for adults and children to remember to truly listen to understand. #IaSEL #IaEdChat,1,2,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 96,95,1361865291995750403,20196909,2021-02-17T02:29:22+00:00,We are happy to report that is back up and running and the issues that prevented access to content on the website have been resolved. Thanks for hanging in there with us!,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 97,96,1361815609814704129,20196909,2021-02-16T23:11:57+00:00,We are currently experiencing problems with our website. We apologize for the inconvenience and will let you know when it has been restored. Thank you for your patience.,0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 98,97,1361782157685972992,20196909,2021-02-16T20:59:01+00:00,"Only 3% of Black students learn computer science in h.s. or beyond. Encourage students to try computer science, and let them know they belong. Together let’s change the face of computer science. #BlackVoicesForCS #CSforIA @codeorg #IaEdChat #IaStandards",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 99,98,1361773153958178819,20196909,2021-02-16T20:23:15+00:00,RT @IAReading: Need help understanding a term from literacy research or one of our blog posts? Our Reading Glossary provides accessible def…,1,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd 100,99,1361741415873667073,20196909,2021-02-16T18:17:08+00:00,"Over 24,000 students participated in business courses in Iowa. The future looks bright for Iowa’s businesses. #cteworksforiowa",0,0,Iowa,IA,,IADeptofEd