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2020-02-20 |
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Based on facility policy review, admission packet review, interview, and observation, the facility failed to support each resident's rights by ensuring the required State Survey Agency's contact information was made available for 3 of 3 residents (Resident #1, Resident #2, and Resident #16). Interviews obtained during the resident group meeting revealed the residents had not been given information on how to file a complaint with the State Survey Agency. This failure had the potential to affect all 43 residents of the facility who may want to exercise their right to file a complaint directly with the State Survey Agency. Findings include: Review of the facility's policy titled, Patient Rights and Responsibilities-Siskin West Subacute, undated, revealed the residents had the right to .contact the Tennessee Department of Health directly at (telephone number) to lodge any concerns you may have about your care. Review of the facility's policy titled, Resident Rights, undated, located in the facility's admission packet provided during the entrance conference, revealed at the time of admission, and periodically through their stay, the facility would inform each resident, orally and in writing, of their rights. The policy stated the resident had the right to voice grievances to the facility, or other agency or entity that hears grievances, without discrimination or reprisa,l and without fear of discrimination or reprisal. The policy also stated the resident had the right to be afforded the opportunity to contact these agencies. The policy stated the resident had the right to immediate access to any of the following: any representative of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, any representative of the State, the resident's individual physician, the State's long-term care ombudsman, and the agency responsible for the protection of, and advocacy system for, mentally or developmentally disabled individuals. Review of an untitled and undated form, located in the Admission Packet provided by the facility during the entrance conference, revealed residents could report a complaint or grievance to the Administrator, Director of Nursing, and/or Director of Quality/Grievance Officer. Residents could also report a complaint or grievance directly to the Ombudsman, CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services), or to the State of Tennessee Department of Health. There was no contact information for the State of Tennessee Department of Health on the form. Interviews with Resident #1, Resident #2, and Resident #16 on 2/19/2020 at 10:39 AM, during the group meeting in the third-floor chapel, revealed the residents had not been given information on how to contact the State Survey Agency to formally complain about the care they received. Resident #16, who was the Resident Counsel President, stated, it would be good to know or have just in case. Observation and interview with the Administrator on 2/20/2020 at 1:00 PM, in the entry way of the first floor, revealed information about how to contact the State Survey Agency was hanging on the wall in a picture frame. Interview with the Administrator revealed the area between the parking garage and the lobby of the first-floor was not a common area where residents of the facility frequented, but visitors did. Interview with Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) #7 on 2/20/2020 at 1:29 PM, at the second-floor nurses' station, revealed to her knowledge, there was no information posted about how to contact the State Survey Agency. Interview with Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) #5 on 2/20/2020 at 1:33 PM, at the second-floor nurses' station, revealed to her knowledge, there was no posting or information about how to contact the State Survey Agency. Interview with the Administrator on 2/20/2020 at 1:41 PM, at the second-floor nurses' station, revealed she had updated the admission packet today to include how to contact the State Survey Agency. Interview with LPN #8 on 2/20/2020 at 1:45 PM, at the third-floor nurses' station, revealed to her knowledge, there were no postings with information about the State Survey Agency. The LPN stated if a resident needed the State Survey Agency's number, they could always ask someone at the nurses' station and they would get the number for them. |
2020-09-01 |