cms_TN: 84

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
84 NASHVILLE COMMUNITY CARE & REHABILITATION AT BORDE 445033 1414 COUNTY HOSPITAL RD NASHVILLE TN 37218 2018-07-25 550 D 0 1 565T11 Based on observation and interview, the facility failed to serve meals to residents seated at the same table during 3 separate observations of the mid day meal. Findings include: Observation of the mid day meal on 7/23/18 from 11:40 AM-12:42 PM in the B3 dining room revealed 3 residents were seated at a table. 1 resident had a meal tray and the other 2 residents were not served a meal tray until 21 minutes later. Continued observation revealed 4 other residents were seated at a table and a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) #3 was assisting 1 resident while the other residents sat at the table. Continued observation revealed the last resident seated at the table was served his meal tray 1 hour after the 1st resident seated at the table was served. Interview with CNA #3 on 7/23/18 at 12:43 PM in the B3 dining room stated there were 3 carts delivered to the unit and not all of the trays came to the dining room residents at the same time. Further interview confirmed the last residents meal tray was on the 3rd cart and the resident had to wait to be served his meal until after the other 3 residents had received their meal. Observation of the mid day meal on 7/24/18 from 11:40 AM-12:20 PM in the B3 dining room revealed the 1st meal cart was delivered at 11:43 AM. 4 residents were seated at a table and 1 resident was served her meal tray while the other 3 residents were not served. Continued observation revealed the 2nd meal cart was delivered at 12:08 PM and the 2nd resident at the table was served his tray while the other 2 residents were dozing in their wheelchairs. Further observation revealed the 3rd meal cart was delivered at 12:22 PM and the other 2 residents received their trays. Interview with the Director of Nursing (DON) on 7/24/18 at 4:17 PM in the hall by the conference room was notified of the mid day meal dining observations on 7/23/18 and 7/24/18, and the concerns with all diners seated at a table together and not served their meal trays at the same time. The DON was asked if she was aware of the concern and stated, I didn't realize it was a concern to that extent. Interview with the Administrator on 7/25/18 at 7:15 AM in the conference room stated, I think we need to ask the resident if it's OK that others are eating, or take them for a walk or something. That would take care of the dignity thing. Is that right? The Administrator was asked if he knew what the Regulations said and stated, All diners at the table are to be served at the same time. That's the answer. Further interview confirmed cognitively impaired residents may not understand why others are eating and they are not. The Administrator confirmed the facility failed to serve all residents seated at the table at the same time. Observation on 7/23/18 in the R1 dining room during the mid- day meal a at pproximately 11:40 AM revealed the lunch trays were passed. Further observation revealed Resident #111 was seated at the table with 3 residents. Further observation revealed CNA #6 was assisting another resident while Resident #111 waited at the table to be assisted. Further observation revealed Resident #111 was assisted with his meal at 12:20 PM. Interview with CNA #6 on 7/23/18 at 12:40 PM in the R1 dining room revealed 4 CNA staff were assisting with dining. Further interview revealed the dining carts were not organized to the way the residents were seated. Therefore some residents got served first while others waited to be served. Interview with the DON on 7/25/18 at 5:25 PM in her office revealed staff should serve the group at the same time. Further interview confirmed we should have staff accommodating patients as they are seated at the table. 2020-09-01