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Based on review of the RULES OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BOARD FOR LICENSING HEALTH CARE FACILITIES DIVISION OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES CHAPTER 1200-08-06 STANDARD FOR NURSING HOMES 1200- 6-.15, CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) INSTRUCTOR job description, the Nurse Aide Training Program (NAT) sign in sheets, the Tennessee State tested Nurse Aide Exam results, the (NHC) OAKWOOD Time Schedule as Worked schedules, the Partner Time Collection Report, and interview, the facility failed to ensure 13 of 22 (Nursing Assistant (NA) #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13) NAs enrolled in the facility's Nurse Aide Training Program (NAT) were supervised by the NAT instructor when they worked in the facility. The findings included: 1. The RULES OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BOARD FOR LICENSING HEALTH CARE FACILITIES DIVISION OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES CHAPTER 1200-08-06 STANDARD FOR NURSING HOMES 1200- 6-.15 documented, .The provision of direct individual care to residents by a trainee is limited to appropriately supervised clinical experiences .a program instructor must be present or readily available on-site during all clinical training hours . 2. The facility's .CNA INSTRUCTOR job description documented, .The CNA instructor is to direct and sustain the CNA Training program in the Center in order to maintain adequate CNA staffing .Arrange and provide a clinical experience for the student that insures they are prepared for the skill test . 3. Review of the NAT program sign in sheets for the facility's NAT program held in (MONTH) and (MONTH) (YEAR) revealed a total of 22 students were enrolled in the program, which included NA #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. 4. Review of the Tennessee State tested Nurse Aide Exam (Certified Nursing Assistant Examination) results revealed NA #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 failed the examination. NA #8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 have not taken the Tennessee State tested Nurse Aide Exam (Certified Nursing Assistant Examination). 5. Review of the NHC (National Healthcare Corporation) OAKWOOD TIME SCHEDULE AS WORKED for the period between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18 and review of the NAT instructor's Partner Time Collection Report (clocked hours) for the period between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18 revealed the following: [NAME] NA #1 worked 25 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #1 for all or part of 25 of 25 shifts NA #1 worked. B. NA #2 worked 17 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #2 for all or part of 17 of 17 shifts NA #2 worked. C. NA #3 worked 20 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #3 for all or part of 20 of 20 shifts NA #3 worked. D. NA #4 worked 37 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #4 for all or part of 37 of 37 shifts NA #4 worked. E. NA #5 worked 27 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #5 for all or part of 27 of 27 shifts NA #5 worked. F. NA #6 worked 26 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #6 for all or part of 26 of 26 shifts NA #6 worked. [NAME] NA #7 worked 9 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #7 for all or part of 9 of 9 shifts NA #7 worked. H. NA #8 worked 5 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #8 for all or part of 5 of 5 shifts NA #8 worked. I. NA #9 worked 3 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #9 for all or part of 3 of 3 shifts NA #9 worked. [NAME] NA #10 worked 8 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #10 for all or part of 8 of 8 shifts NA #10 worked. K. NA #11 worked 11 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #11 for all or part of 11 of 11 shifts NA #11 worked. L. NA #12 worked 4 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #12 for all or part of 4 of 4 shifts NA #12 worked. M. NA #13 worked 8 shifts between 6/18/18 and 8/26/18. The NAT instructor was not available to provide clinical supervision for NA #13 for all or part of 8 of 8 shifts NA #13 worked. The facility failed to ensure the NAs received appropriate clinical supervision by the NAT instructor for all or part of the shifts they worked. 6. Interview with NA #13 on 8/21/18 at 3:50 PM, in the Conference Room, Na #13 was asked who was supervising her during that shift. NA #13 stated, (named CNA #1). NA #13 was asked who was responsible for her. NA #13 stated, I'm not sure. Na #13 was asked if she helped toilet residents and helped use the lift on residents. NA #13 stated, Yes. Phone interview with NA #12 on 8/22/18 at 10:08 AM, NA #12 confirmed she was able to change a brief on her own and independently assisted residents who needed to be fed. Phone interview with NA #9 on 8/22/18 at 10:21 AM, NA #9 stated, .I can do anything, from feeding to changing briefs to showering .help residents with anything they need .do it without supervision . He confirmed the instructor is not always in the facility when he worked and stated, my other classmates help me out . Interview with the NAT instructor on 8/22/18 at 10:57 AM, in the Conference Room, the NAT instructor was asked if the NAs are supervised by her throughout the entire shift for all the shifts NAs were scheduled. The NAT instructor stated, No, they are not .I was off from 7/6 to 7/12, so they were not supervised during that time .I was not able to supervise them from 7/16 to 7/27 because I was doing another class and at (another location) .was off some of those Saturdays and Sundays. The NAT instructor was asked if it was appropriate for NAs to care for residents independently. The NAT instructor stated, No, ma'am. Interview with CNA #1 on 8/22/18 at 11:48 AM, in the Conference Room, CNA #1 was asked if the NAT instructor supervises the NAs on the evening shift. CNA #1 stated, She's not here every evening of the week . Interview with NA #8 on 8/22/18 at 2:15 PM, in the North Hall, NA #8 confirmed she works independently with residents, and her instructor is not always in the facility on the evening shift. |
2020-09-01 |