cms_TN: 48

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
48 ASBURY PLACE AT MARYVILLE 445017 2648 SEVIERVILLE RD MARYVILLE TN 37804 2019-08-28 842 D 0 1 CV0B11 **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** Based on facility policy review, medical record review, and interview, the facility failed to ensure Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (POST) were completed for 3 residents (#87, #273, and #279) of 31 residents reviewed for advanced directives. The findings include: Review of the facility policy Health Care Decision Making-Advanced Directives - TN (Tennessee), revised 12/7/16, revealed The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure residents are informed of their rights to execute an Advanced Health Care Directive .It also provides guidelines for completion of a TN Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (POST) form, and to facilitate the implementation of the resident's wishes so that they are carried out according to the terms of these documents and applicable law and regulation .Upon admission or as soon as possible thereafter, if the resident does not have Advance Health Care Directives, the Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, or MD (physician) will explain these documents to the resident or representative and provide forms for their review (Appointment of Health Care Agent form; POST form) .Residents wishing to create an Advance Care Plan may do so through completion of the POST form .A POST must contain: 1. Resident's name and signature .4. Physician's signature .Prior to signature, the Physician must discuss the POST form and contents with resident or the responsible party. Medical record review revealed Resident #87 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Medical record review of Resident #87's POST form, undated, revealed documentation the resident was Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNR) status with Limited Additional Interventions. Continued review revealed Resident #87 or an appropriate resident representative had not signed the form, indicating DNR was the resident's wishes. Medical record review revealed Resident #273 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Medical record review of Resident #273's POST form, revealed the resident requested a Do Not Attempt Resuscitation status with Limited Additional Interventions. Continued review revealed the Physician had not signed or dated the form. Medical record review revealed Resident #279 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Medical record review of Resident #279's POST form, undated, revealed documentation the resident was a Do Not Attempt Resuscitation status with Limited Additional Interventions. Continued review revealed Resident #279 or an appropriate resident representative had not signed the form, indicating DNR was the resident's wishes. Interview with the Director of Nursing on 8/28/19 at 1:28 PM, in the conference room, confirmed the facility .get (advanced directives) upon admission . and were to be signed by the physician and resident or resident representative. Continued interview confirmed the facility failed to ensure facility policy for Advance Directives was followed for Resident #87, #273, and #279. 2020-09-01