cms_TN: 41

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
41 ASBURY PLACE AT MARYVILLE 445017 2648 SEVIERVILLE RD MARYVILLE TN 37804 2018-08-20 726 K 0 1 Q9H011 Based on review of the facility's Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement Plan, review of the facility's (YEAR) Assessment, and interview, the facility failed to implement a program to ensure nursing staff education and competency were completed The failure to ensure nursing staff were educated and competent placed 7 residents (#28, #34, #39, #40, #47, #80, and #119) in Immediate Jeopardy (IJ), a situation in which the provider's noncompliance with one or more requirements of participation has caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident). The Administrator and the Director of Nursing (DON) were informed of the IJ in the conference room on 8/18/18 at 8:10 PM. The IJ was effective 11/10/17 and is ongoing. The findings include: Review of the facility Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement Plan, revised 2/27/18, revealed .The Quality Assurance (QA) Committee consists of the Director of Nursing Services, the Medical Director, the Administrator, at least two other members of the facility staff, and the Infection Preventionist .All associates including contracted staff are educated on the principles of QAPI .Associates will be trained on using QAPI process including participation on a Performance Improvement Project (PIP Team) .The QAPI program is sustained during transitions in leadership and staffing through all-associate education and involvement in the QAPI process . Facility associates and management have been trained on Root Cause Analysis .The QAPI program will be evaluated annually by the QAPI Steering Committee with input from the Leadership Team/Executive Leadership. This review will include whether goals were met, if standards of practice are being followed, any training needs will be identified and addressed . Review of the (YEAR) Facility Assessment revealed .Each job description identifies the required education .Additional competencies are determined according to the amount of resident interaction required by the job role, job specific knowledge, skills and abilities and those needed to care for the resident population .competencies are based on the care and services needed by the resident population .competencies are verified upon orientation, at least annually and as needed .The Staff Development Coordinator tracks and trends course completion history and performance trends, reporting those to the Administrator and Director of Nursing (DON) . Interview with the DON on 8/18/18 at 10:36 AM, in the conference room, and review of falls investigations and interventions put in place by staff to prevent further falls, revealed and intervention for Resident #119 included Velcro noodles to the bed. The DON stated .I don't know what Velcro noodles would be exactly, maybe pool noodles . Telephone interview with Registered Nurse (RN) #5 on 8/15/18 at 1:45 PM, confirmed Resident #236 had extreme pain during dressing changes. Continued interview revealed she tried to give her the pain medication 20 minutes before dressing changes and she hollered out each time. Further interview revealed the nurse had not notified the Physician or Nurse Practitioner that she had pain. My thought processes were that she was being seen by the wound care team . Telephone interview with RN #3 on 8/15/18 at 2:00 PM, confirmed she had completed dressing changes on Resident #236 and most times she had pain during the dressing changes. Further interview confirmed the nurse gave pain medication 30 minutes to an hour prior to the dressing change. Continued interview confirmed .I think it (wound) hurts because it is so deep . Further interview confirmed sometimes the resident will ask the staff to stop because of the pain and will refuse dressing changes at times. Continued interview revealed .I think the Doctor already knows about the pain. I didn't report it because it's the nurse's discretion to assess if the patient can tolerate the dressing change . Interview with the Staff Development Coordinator on 8/18/18 at 4:30 PM, in the conference room, revealed the nursing staff has an orientation period that begins with Human Resources (HR) onboarding. The nurses have HR videos they watch and Relias (computer-based training modules) they watch. Some modules are for all staff and some are specific to nursing. The Staff Development Coordinator conducts a diabetic lab with the nurses that lasts approximately 1/2 a day with competency checked on insulin administration. When the nurses have completed the videos, the Staff Development Coordinator sends them to their nursing unit with an orientation checkoff sheet and then the House Mentor is responsible for the nurse's training. The nurses are paired with a preceptor of the House Mentor's choosing. The Staff Development Coordinator only receives the orientation checkoff sheet from the Mentors when they are done and states she is not involved in decision making of when nurses are competent. Further interview revealed she did not recall any specific training on falls other than the computer based Relias training assigned during orientation and annually. When asked if falls was covered in that training, the Staff Development Coordinator stated that she thought she remembered something on falls, like what to do if you see water in the floor. Further interview revealed she was new to the position and stated she did not have an annual plan or monthly plan for education. The Staff Development Coordinator stated she was still trying to find where deficiencies in education were, where annual trainings were due and had not been done, and was developing education month to month if someone told her there was a need. The Staff Development Coordinator stated the monthly trainings she had developed since being in her role was on the evacuation policy in (MONTH) (YEAR), then they conducted mock evacuation drills in (MONTH) and (MONTH) (YEAR) and she was currently conducting one on one training with everyone on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and handwashing. Interview with the Director of Nursing (DON) on 8/18/18 at 7:13 PM, in the conference room, confirmed the facility staff were responsible for investigating falls. Falls were reported to the nurse on duty and the accident report was turned into the Clinical Mentor. The Clinical Mentor checked for completeness of the report and the nurse and Clinical Mentor discussed the interventions to put in place to prevent further falls. The DON stated the current facility practice was for the nurse Clinical Mentor to decide on a fall intervention and to put it in place immediately after an incident. The nurse was to do a fall risk assessment after every fall and it was put with the investigation packet. Any interventions put in place depended on interventions already in place. The DON stated the nurses knew what options were available and they used .nursing clinical judgement (used when deciding which intervention to put in place) .no education on falls .just their (staff) clinic experience . The DON stated the nurses did not do any root cause analysis at the time of the fall and the leadership was also not doing a root cause to determine the cause of the fall in order to implement interventions to prevent further falls. The DON stated they were aware the care plans were not updated, I don't know when the care plans (were updated) .the mentor in the house should be updating the care plans .I think that there is work to be done .doing weekly meetings we will be able to get more in depth and with dementia they (residents) forget they can't get up . Interview with the DON on 8/18/18 at 7:15 PM, in the conference room, revealed, .I am not familiar with long-term care, and she (Administrator) had taught me regarding (fall) interventions . Further interview with the DON revealed the DON was familiar with Resident #47 and stated as far as she was aware the resident had not had any further falls once he was admitted to the secured unit following his return to the facility after a psychiatric hospital stay (resident had 2 falls since his return). Refer to F-657, F-689, F-725, and F-947. 2020-09-01