cms_SD: 87

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
87 ROLLING HILLS HEALTHCARE 435035 2200 13TH AVE BELLE FOURCHE SD 57717 2018-03-01 610 D 0 1 2S8V11 **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** Based on record review, interview, and policy review, the provider failed to thoroughly investigate twenty-four falls for one of five sampled residents (41). Findings include: 1a. Review of resident 41's medical record revealed: *She had been admitted on [DATE]. *She had twenty-four falls since her admission date of [DATE]. -Two of those falls resulted in major injury. Review of resident 41's 12/26/17 Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment revealed her Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS) score was zero indicating she had severe cognitive impairment. Review of resident 41's 12/19/17 fall scene investigation reports revealed: *She had been found on the floor of the bathroom at 9:00 p.m. -She crawled out of bed and got to the bathroom. -She urinated on bathroom floor and had a lg (large) round BM (bowel movement) which she was holding in her left hand. -She moved all extremities and tried to crawl back to her bed during assessment. -What appeared to be the root cause of the fall had been Needing to toilet. --At 4:00 a.m. Res (resident) has been caught 6x's (times) trying to crawl out of bed. She needed and voided in toilet each time. -They had added one hour checks to her care plan. *There had been no documentation regarding the following investigation areas: -Interviews conducted with staff members who had been working. -Where the call light had been located. -What level of assistance she required. -If the care plan had been followed. -What the environment looked like upon entering the room. -Who had last worked with her. -If there had been any medication changes. b. Review of resident 41's 12/29/17 fall scene investigation reports revealed: *She was found on the floor at 10:30 a.m. in the resident's room by the bathroom door. -She had been alone and unattended. -Resident stated she was trying to get to the bathroom. -Last time she had been toileted was at 8:30 a.m. --She had been dry but Had a BM right away. -The root cause had been Resident has unsteady gait. -Initial interventions to prevent future falls had been Educated staff to cue resident to toilet every 2 hours and PRN (as needed). -Summary of falls team meeting had been Resident attempted to toilet self after breakfast. -There had been no conclusion or additional care plan updates documented. *There had been no documentation regarding the following investigation areas: -Interviews conducted with staff members who had been working. -Where the call light had been located. -What level of assistance she required. -If the care plan had been followed. -What the environment looked like upon entering the room. -Who had last worked with her. -If there had been any medication changes. c. Review of resident 41's 12/30/17 fall scene investigation reports revealed: *She had been found on the floor in the resident's room in the doorway at 8:50 p.m. -She had been alone and unattended. -Staff were unsure if she had been crawling, but her bed had been in low position. -The last time toileted had been marked unsure. -Conclusion had been Cont with low bed/mat. She continues to crawl out of bed. *There had been no documentation regarding the following investigation areas: -Interviews conducted with staff members who had been working. -Where the call light had been located. -What level of assistance she required. -If the care plan had been followed. -What the environment looked like upon entering the room. -Who had last worked with her. -If there had been any medication changes. d. Review of resident 41's 1/3/18 fall scene investigation reports revealed: *She had been found sitting on the mat next to her bed at 2:20 a.m. -Last time toileted had been at 12:10 a.m., and she had been dry. -Root cause had been been Cont to crawl out of bed. Toileting. -Initial interventions to prevent future falls had been Cont with low bed/mat. Cont with toileting upon rising, before and after meals, before bed and PRN. -Conclusion had been Cont with frequent toileting, checks and low bed/mat. *There had been no documentation regarding the following investigation areas: -Interviews conducted with staff members who had been working. -Where the call light had been located. -What level of assistance she required. -If the care plan had been followed. -What the environment looked like upon entering the room. -Who had last worked with her. -If there had been any medication changes. e. Review of resident 41's 1/3/18 fall scene investigation reports revealed: *She had been found on the floor at 6:30 a.m. by the bathroom door. -She had been alone and unattended. -When the resident was asked what she was doing just before the fall she Kept requesting to go to the BR (bathroom). -The last time toileted had not been completed. -Root cause had been Resident got up per self to go to the BR - too unsteady to stand per self. -Conclusion had been change care plan to toilet every two hours. *There had been no documentation regarding the following investigation areas: -Interviews conducted with staff members who had been working. -Where the call light had been located. -What level of assistance she required. -If the care plan had been followed. -What the environment looked like upon entering the room. -Who had last worked with her. -If there had been any medication changes. f. Review of resident 41's 1/10/18 fall scene investigation reports revealed: *The resident had been found on the floor in her room by the recliner at 1:45 p.m. -She had been alone and unattended. -When asked what she was doing prior to the fall she Just kept say(ing) 'I have to go to the BR.' -She had last been toileted at 12:30 p.m. --She had been wet and had a BM. -She had been at the hospital prior to this fall, so no medications had been given to her. -Root cause had been Resident attempted to get up per self from recliner chair - had to go to the BR. -Initial interventions to prevent future falls had been Initiate hourly checks. *There had been no documentation regarding the following investigation areas: -Interviews conducted with staff members who had been working. -Where the call light had been located. -What level of assistance she required. -If the care plan had been followed. -What the environment looked like upon entering the room. -Who had last worked with her. -If there had been any medication changes. g. Review of resident 41's 1/14/18 South Dakota Department of Health report revealed: *She had been found on the floor in front of the recliner by three certified nursing assistants (CNA). *Two of the CNAs had used a gait belt to lift her off the floor prior to notifying the nurse. *She had been sent to the emergency room and was found to have a left [MEDICAL CONDITION]. *There had been no fall scene investigation completed. *There had been no documentation regarding the following investigation areas: -Where the call light had been located. -What level of assistance she required. -If the care plan had been followed. -What the environment looked like upon entering the room. -Who had last assisted her. -If there had been any medication changes. h. Review of resident 41's 2/22/18 fall scene investigation reports revealed: *She fell forward out of her wheelchair (w/c) and hit her head on the floor at 11:20 a.m. -She had been alone and unattended. -She had last been toileted at 9:00 a.m. and had been wet. -Root cause had been Resident leaned forward too far in w/c and fell out. -Initial intervention to prevent future falls had been Resident in w/c only for transportation. -Conclusion had been Recliner or bed between meals. Leg extenders added to w/c. LCD (last completion date) was yest (yesterday) for therapy. Will set up restorative plan. -According to the 2/22/18 attached incident note the Resident was incontinent of urine through her pants. -Per investigation staff were educated to not leave the resident alone in her wheelchair. *There had been no documentation regarding the following investigation areas: -Interviews conducted with staff members who had been working. -What level of assistance she required. -If the care plan had been followed. -Why she had not been assisted to the bathroom since 9:00 a.m. -Who had last assisted her. -If there had been any medication changes. i. Review of resident 41's interdisciplinary notes from 12/19/17 through 2/27/18 revealed: *She had also fallen on the following dates: -1/2/18. -1/3/18 a third time. -1/4/18. -1/5/18 two times. -1/6/17. -1/27/18. -1/28/18. -2/1/18. -2/2/18 two times. -2/5/18. -2/6/18. -2/7/18. *There had been no fall scene investigation reports or other documentation the above falls had been investigated. j. Interview on 3/01/18 at 2:03 p.m. with the director of nursing revealed she agreed the above falls had not been thoroughly investigated. Review of the provider's (MONTH) (YEAR) Abuse Prevention Plan policy revealed: *Facility will investigate all incidences such as falls, bruises, medication errors, resident complaints, etc. *Facility will identify the staff member(s) responsible for: -The initial report. -Initiating the investigation. -Identifying and interviewing all involved persons, including the alleged victim, alleged perpetrator, witnesses, and others who might have knowledge of the allegations. -Focusing the investigation on determining if abuse, neglect, exploitation, and/or mistreatment has occurred, the extent and cause; -Providing complete and thorough documentation of the investigation. -Reporting the results to the proper authority within the 5-day state requirement. 2020-09-01