cms_SD: 65
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
65 | AVERA MARYHOUSE LONG TERM CARE | 435034 | 717 EAST DAKOTA | PIERRE | SD | 57501 | 2017-05-24 | 166 | E | 0 | 1 | 43OZ11 | Based on interview, record review, and grievance process review, the provider failed to ensure resident council concerns were followed-up on and resolutions were taken back to the resident council. Findings include: 1. Interview on 5/23/17 at 10:00 a.m. with a group of residents revealed: *They had concerns with chicken being served all the time. *The men's bathroom on first floor was not handicap accessible. -The women's bathroom had not been turned into a unisex bathroom. *Laundry items went missing and were not returned. *One resident was still missing an honor flight shirt. *Those concerns had been brought up at resident council meetings. Review of the resident council minutes from 11/28/16 through 4/24/17 revealed: *On 11/28/16 under other business was problems with getting laundry back. -On 12/29/16 under other business it stated Laundry knows they are working on it. -On 1/26/17 there had been no further documentation on the laundry concern. *On 2/27/17 they had requested less chicken. -There had been no further documentation on the laundry concern. *On 3/27/17 they had requested less chicken and stated the men's bathroom on first floor was not accessible. -Two grievance forms had been completed. --The first grievance form had been about having too much chicken. ---The resolution had stated they acknowledged chicken was on the menu way to close together and frequently. ---They would look at menus and change to summer cycle 6/1/17. ---There had been no signatures regarding who had filled out the form. --The second grievance form had been about the men's bathroom. ---The resolution had been to use the women's bathroom, and the sign would be changed to unisex. ---There had been no signatures regarding who had filled out the form. *On 4/24/17 there had been no documentation regarding the follow-up to the menus or the men's bathroom. Surveyor: Interview on 5/24/17 at 8:44 a.m. with the social worker regarding missing clothing items revealed: *Residents were to tell the nursing staff who in turn were to tell the social worker. *She would send out a notice to all departments when an item was reported missing, and she looked in the linen rooms on each floor. -The laundry was done by floors, so any unmarked items were returned to the floor it came from. *They tried to replace an item if it was lost and not found. *She was unaware of listings of missing items that were on the back of linen room doors. *There was no policy on how to handle missing laundry. *She had not been aware of the missing laundry items reported during the group meetings. *She agreed there was no system to ensure all missing items got reported to her. Surveyor: Interview on 5/24/17 at 9:30 a.m. with the activities director revealed: *She was unaware the other department heads could attend the resident council meetings. *She was unsure why the women's bathroom sign had not been changed to say unisex. *She stated she had completed the 3/27/17 grievance forms. -She had not signed the forms. -She had turned the forms into the administrator for review. -There had been no documentation the administrator had seen the forms. -She knew getting back laundry was an issue but was not sure what the laundry department was doing to make it better. Interview on 5/24/17 at 10:40 a.m. with maintenance staff person H regarding the men's restroom by the main dining room on the 100 floor revealed he: *Agreed the men's bathroom was not handicapped accessible. *Had not seen a work order regarding the changing of the women's rest room to a unisex bathroom and the closing of the men's bathroom. Review of the provider's (MONTH) (YEAR) Grievance process revealed: *If residents had an issue with their rights being violated they were to contact the nursing coordinator or the social worker. -The director of nursing would have been contacted and the issues should have been resolved within twenty-four hours. *The residents had the opportunity to file a grievance if they felt a problem was not resolved. -The residents were to contact in writing or per telephone the administration office or the vice president of outcomes and service excellence. -A written response was to have been expected within forty-five days upon receipt of the grievance detailing the steps taken to investigate the grievance. | 2020-09-01 |