cms_SC: 73

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

This data as json, copyable

rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
73 FAITH HEALTHCARE CENTER 425009 617 WEST MARION STREET FLORENCE SC 29501 2017-06-14 328 J 1 1 J20Y11 **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** > Based on record review and interviews, the facility failed to provide respiratory care/suctioning to 1 of 3 residents reviewed for neglect. Resident #48 did not receive suctioning for an extended period of time, became unresponsive and was transported out of the facility to the hospital. The findings included: Cross refer to F223- Neglect, Resident #48 was identified with respiratory difficulty which was reported to the nursing staff with no interventions taken. The facility admitted resident #48 with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Review of Nurses' Notes from [DATE] through [DATE] revealed resident was total care for all Activities of Daily Living (ADL's). S/He was in a persistent vegetative state. On [DATE] at 9:30 AM: resident lying in bed with eyes open, when breathes makes a gurgling sound. resp even/unlabored. will continue monitoring. 10:20 AM called to room per Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). Resident lying in bed with Head of bed (HOB) elevated ( ^) noted to have beige secretions coming out of mouth. No respirations noted. Code blue called & Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) was initiated, no pulse, 911 called 10:30 AM Emergency Medical Services (EMS) here. took over CPR. To hospital via stretcher. Per Physician's Cumulative Orders for ,[DATE]-[DATE] an order for [REDACTED]. On [DATE] Registered Nurse, (RN) #138 was interviewed via phone by surveyor at 8:30 AM. The RN stated the resident was gurgling during med pass. S/he stated s/he went and found a suction machine on the crash cart but it was not working. S/he did state suction machines were located on each crash cart. The RN stated s/he never suctioned the resident before. On [DATE] the Administrator was advised of a second Immediate Jeopardy that began on [DATE] when a resident had a change in condition related to respiratory issues that was not addressed by the nurse. The resident became unresponsive and was transported out of the facility to the hospital and expired. The facility's Allegation of Compliance (A[NAME]) to address failure to assess and treat respiratory issues was submitted [DATE] to the surveyor and included the following: 1) Affected resident was transported to the hospital via 911 for evaluation and expired at the hospital. 2) Allegation of neglect was reported to the State Agency as required. 3) RN involved was suspended, terminated and reported to the SC Board of Nursing. 4) DON and Unit Managers to provide education on [DATE] to all nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants on neglect, oral suctioning procedure, location of suctioning equipment, recognizing change in condition and performing respiratory assessment. Inservice is mandatory and no one will be allowed to work until education is completed. 5) All resident's orders were audited by Nurse Management staff for identification of orders for advanced respiratory care/oxygen/suction. Findings were 2 residents in house with orders for continuous oxygen, 2 residents in house with orders for PRN (as necessary) oxygen and no residents in house with suction orders. 6) All respiratory care plans for affected residents have been reviewed and revised if needed on [DATE]. 7) Residents that have the potential for advanced respiratory care have been re-assessed for the need for suction on [DATE]. 8) Maintenance Director and Nursing verified that all 8 suction machines in the facility were functioning properly and central supply clerk verified that suction supplies are readily available on [DATE]. 9) A root cause analysis determined the nurse failed to respond to a change in condition of a resident and failed to respond appropriately to assess and treat. Equipment was available and functioning at the time of the incident. All staff including any new hires have been re-educated on neglect, respiratory assessment, equipment to use and location of equipment and recognizing change in condition. 10) The designated staff and DON will verify location of suction machines daily and nurses will check weekly their functionality. 11) This A[NAME] has been reviewed in an ad hoc QAPI meeting with the Medical Director's involvement and will be reviewed monthly at the QAPI meetings. The Immediate Jeopardy citations at F223, F281 and F328 were removed on [DATE] after observations and interviews were completed to ensure the A[NAME] was in place and in practice. These citations remained cited at a lower scope and severity of D. 2020-09-01