cms_SC: 35

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
35 CHERAW HEALTHCARE 425005 400 MOFFAT ROAD CHERAW SC 29520 2017-07-26 371 E 1 1 LLSR11 **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** > The facility failed to ensure the cooktop was clean and free of grease build up, no dented cans in storage, the blades on the Buffalo Chopper and the Robo-coupe were free of dents and hazards, labeling and dating of raw chicken in the coolers and open packages of cookies, resident's food, use of pasteurized shell eggs, safe and clean storage ice in ice machines, removal of expired food in nutrition center refrigerator, clean and sanitary storage areas in nourishment center in 1 of 1 kitchen and 2 of 2 nourishment areas. The findings included: During initial tour on 7/23/17 at 10:45 AM, inside the walk-in refrigerator, a pan of cake covered with parchment paper and was not labeled or dated. The Assistant Dietary Manager said The cake is for lunch today. A can of pudding was also observed in the refrigerator with the lid partially cut open and still attached to the can and was not labeled or dated. Observed and verified by the Assistant Dietary Manager and the CDM was a larger plastic container which contained 3 whole chickens, and a bag of assorted chicken parts, which were not labeled or dated. Additionally, observed 1 Case of eggs in the shell from Glenview Farms, there was no indication on the box label and, the eggs did not have the stamp indicating that the eggs were pasteurized. The Assistant Dietary Manager and the CDM said the eggs are used for entrees and boiled eggs for the residents and h/she will check and see if the eggs are pasteurized. On 7/25/2017, the CDM provided a copy of the new product h/she will be ordering from foodservice vendor, to ensure that pasteurized eggs are used for the residents, Davidson's Pasteurized Eggs. The Policy and Procedures, Labeling and Dating, states, It is the Policy in the Dietary Department that all items upon delivery to storage area and freezer are labeled and dated. During initial tour on 7/23/2017 at approximately 11:00 AM of the dry storage room, observed 1 dented can of beets stored on the can rack. When the Assistant Dietary Manager was questioned regarding storage of dented cans, h/she said they are put on shelf outside storeroom and when asked, What do you do with the dented cans after you put them on the shelf? The Assistant Dietary Manager said, We use them. An interview on 07/23/2017 at 12:43 PM, with Certified Dietary Manager (CDM) h/she said dented cans are stored in his/her office and are used if the dent on the can is not on the seam of the can. The CDM's office contained multiple dented cans which h/she planned to obtain credit from the vendor. The CDM stated: The vendor does not pick up the dented cans, the vendor is now requiring that h/she make a picture of the dented cans to receive credit for the dented cans. The Policy and Procedures, Dented Cans states, If a can is dented, it is placed in the designated place for dented cans. During an observation on 07/25/2017 at 8:40 AM, the Buffalo Chopper's cutting blade had multiple cuts and missing pieces of metal on the cutting surface and this was verified by the CDM. Additionally, the Robot coupe blade had one nick in the blade and this was verified by the CDM. The CDM provided an invoice showing that replacement blades were ordered for both pieces of equipment on 7/25/2017. Observed both sides of grill top (the grill top was located in between the stove top and the deep fat fryer) had a substantial grease build on both sides and this was verified by the CDM. The CDM said the grill top it is on the cleaning schedule and the cook stated that h/she cleans the grill top every other week. The Cleaning schedule from July 16th to July 29th 2017 shows that the stoves/ovens/fryers all carts cleaned on 6/16, 6/17, 6/18 had employee initial indicating cleaned. The CDM said the grill top will be cleaned today. The grill was cleaned on 7/26/2017. Observations made on 07/26/2017 at 9:35 AM of the Nutrition Center located on the South Hall and were verified by the DON of the following items: 1) An open, expired container of CoffeeMate; expiration date of [DATE] located in the cabinet above the sink. 2) A second cabinet above the sink, had dried spilled brown substance and multiple soiled plastic containers, knives and forks, all stored behind the closed doors of the cabinet. 3) A sealed plastic box, located above the refrigerator labeled South contained 2 containers of chocolate chip cookies, one package was opened. 4) The interior of the Ice machine had brown spotting on the surface of the gray plastic gasket. On 07/26/2017 at 11:29 AM, an interview with the Director of Maintenance confirmed the brown spotting around the gasket which resulted in brown spotting imprinted on the stainless steel area where the brown spotted gasket had come in contact with the surface of the ice machine. The Director of Maintenance said and provided in writing, the dates which the Ice Machine was cleaned and sanitized: 6/26/17 North Ice Machine, 7/5/17 South Ice Machine, and 7/7/17 Dietary Ice Machine. H/She said the ice machines are emptied and sanitized quarterly throughout the building. Observations made on 07/26/2017 at 9:45 AM of the Nutrition Center located on the North Hall were verified by the DON of the following items: 1) a plastic trash can with food debris on the exterior, and labeled, Laundry. The DON and the CNA in the Nutrition Center both said that laundry is not stored in the Nutrition Center. 2) A plastic sealed container contained an open package of chocolate chip cookies which were not labeled. 3) A plastic container of peach cobbler which had not been labeled. The CNA #2 stated the resident's family had brought the peach cobbler for resident last night and we put in the refrigerator. H/She stated: We are supposed to label and date food when the family brings in and store in the refrigerator and we are supposed to throw away the next day. 4) Inside the refrigerator was a container of Mighty Shake manufacturer label stated: Use by date August 9. On 07/26/2017 at 11:07 AM the CDM said the Mighty Shake once pulled from the freezer for thawing are good for 14 days from the removal from the freezer. 5)The interior top of the Microwave oven had a buildup of a black substance and the white rim interior had spots of brown substance, and was verified by the DON. The Ice Chests and Machines Policy Statement, Ice Machines: .4.b. Thoroughly clean the machine and the parts. If build up of a sediment is noted, follow routine maintenance procedures for removing lime, rust or other elements. The Policy and Procedure titled, Food Brought into Resident's Room From Outside Sources states, Procedure: .2. Foods or Beverages brought in from the outside will be labeled with the Resident's name and room number and dated by nursing with the current date before putting in the refrigerator .3B. All cooked or prepared food brought in for a resident and stored in the unit's pantry refrigerator or personal room refrigerator will be dated when accepted and discarded after 72 hours .4. Nursing staff will monitor resident's room, unit pantry and refrigeration units for food and beverage disposal. An observation on 7/23/2017 at approximately 12:23 PM during the lunch meal service on the South Hall revealed Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) #1 taking lunch trays in resident rooms without first cleansing/sanitizing his/her hands and setting up the trays without cleansing his/her hands and leaving resident rooms without first cleansing his/her hands on 1 of 2 halls. Review on 7/23/2017 at approximately 1:00 PM of the facility policy titled, Handwashing, states, All personnel working in the long-term care facility are required to wash their hands before and after resident contact, before and after performing any procedure, after sneezing or blowing noses, after using toilet, before handling food, and when hands are obviously soiled. 2020-09-01