cms_NM: 80

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
80 RIO RANCHO CENTER 325033 4210 SABANA GRANDE SE RIO RANCHO NM 87124 2018-02-12 561 E 0 1 M2BO11 **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** Based on interview and record review, the facility failed to provide reasonable accommodations of resident needs and preferences for 2 (R #s 5 and 307) of 2 (R #s 5 and 307) residents reviewed for choices. The facility failed to shower R #5 per her schedule and did not respect R #307's food preferences. This deficient practice has the potential to prevent residents from maintaining personal hygiene per their personal preference and feelings of frustration about the lack of autonomy regarding things that are important in their life. The findings are: Findings for R #5: [NAME] On 02/06/18 at 2:18 pm, during interview R #5 stated she hasn't had a shower in three weeks. She stated that the shower aide has not been here. B. Record review of R #5's Weekly Bath and Skin Report dated 12/20/17, indicated the last documented shower for R #5 was on 01/09/18. C. Record review of R #5's Weekly Bath and Skin Report dated 01/10/18, revealed on 01/12/18, she refused shower due to pain. No other showers are documented on the form. D. Record review of R #5's Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Record for (MONTH) (YEAR), showed R #5 refused showers on 1/2/18, 1/5/18, 1/12/18. No other showers were documented. E. Record review of the ADL Record for (MONTH) (YEAR), showed R #5 has not received a shower with no documented refusals for the month. F. Record review of the Minimum (MDS) data set [DATE], revealed a BIMs (brief interview for mental status) score of 11 (Range is 00-15 with 15 being cognitively in tact) and requires extensive assistance with a two person physical assist for all ADLs. R #5 is total dependence for bathing. [NAME] On 02/07/18 at 2:22 pm, during interview the Director of Nursing (DON) stated that the resident is very particular about who she will let shower her. She stated that if the shower aid that she likes is not working, then she will refuse showers. She also stated that if showers are offered and she refuses, it would be documented in the ADL record and on the shower sheets. The DON also stated that according to the documentation, R #5 probably has not had a shower since 01/12/18, when she refused, stating she probably hasn't had one other than a bed bath. Findings for R #307: H. On 02/06/18 at 1:47 pm, during an interview with R #307, she stated staff completely messed up her meal ticket. She stated there are items listed as likes which she does not necessarily like such as chocolate pudding. She stated there are many items listed as dislikes which she does not dislike such as fruit punch, bell pepper, cooked onions, mushrooms, squash and sweet potatoes. She stated that she has explained to staff that she has diverticulitis (a condition where small pouches form in the lining of your digestive system) so she cannot have any nuts or seeds but she is occasionally served meals with seeds or nuts included. She also explained to staff a few days ago she does not like chile and at the next meal they brought her a bowl of chile. I. Record review of R #307's meal ticket dated 02/01/18 revealed the following: LIKES: Chocolate pudding, Italian dressing, vanilla pudding. DISLIKES: Fruit punch, bell pepper, chile, cooked onions, mushrooms, poppy seeds, spicy food, squash, sweet potatoes. The ticket did not have nuts or any other type of seed besides poppy listed in the dislike section. [NAME] On 02/08/18 at 11:37 am, during an interview with the Dietician, she stated that after speaking with R #307 today, she verified that many of the items listed in the dislike section are incorrect which include fruit punch, bell pepper, cooked onions, mushrooms, squash and sweet potatoes. The Dietician stated she updated the resident's meal ticket to reflect her preferences. The Dietician also verified that R #307 has diverticulitis and cannot have nuts or seeds. K. On 02/08/18 10:45 am, during an interview with the Interim Dietary Manager, he stated that he is not sure how the incorrect likes and dislikes got onto the meal ticket. He stated that the only 3 people that have the ability to edit meal tickets: himself, the dietician and the executive chef. He verified that none of those people made the change for R #309 so it must have been the previous Dietary Manager who was terminated about 2 weeks ago. He stated he found an old meal ticket dated 01/10/18 where the resident wrote down some of her likes and dislikes. L. Record review of R #307's meal ticket dated 01/10/18 stated LIKES: N/[NAME] DISKLIKES: N/[NAME] R #309 wrote a hand-written message on the meal ticket which stated .No sausage! Nothing with seeds or nuts. I have diverticulitis. No Mexican spices re: salsa and chile .Thanks. -(Name of R #307). 2020-09-01