cms_NM: 5
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
5 | SANTA FE CARE CENTER | 325030 | 635 HARKLE ROAD | SANTA FE | NM | 87505 | 2019-07-19 | 550 | E | 0 | 1 | W7WU11 | Based on observation and interview, the facility failed to ensure that residents were treated with respect and dignity for 4 (R #37, R #57, R #61, & R #200) of 4 (R #37, R #57, R #61, & R #200) resident sampled for dignity, when they failed to 1) ensure a resident's rights to a dignified existence for R #37, R #61, and R # 200 when they were treated disrespectfully, and 2) provide privacy for R #57's urine collection bag This deficient practice could likely result in residents becoming depressed and anxious, lacking self-esteem/self-worth. The findings are: R #37 [NAME] On 07/15/19 at 2:58 PM, during an interview, R #37 stated, Some of the CNAs (Certified Nursing Assistants); I am very hesitant to ask for any help. It is because of their demeanor; they are so indifferent to me. They don't even talk to me. They are always too busy. I wanted toothpaste and I had ask 3 times until I got it and that was pretty recent. I keep asking for urinal; they took mine. There is one in a bag in the bathroom with no name on it; but it might be for my roommate. They don't respond when I ask if it is mine. I like a urinal for the AM many times when I need to go, but I can't get them to give me one. I am not a complainer. I have not complained. When R #37 was asked how that makes him feel he stated, I sleep a lot and try not to care--that is my way to handle the staff here. B. On 07/18/19 at 9:49 AM, during an interview with the DON (Director of Nurses) regarding R #37's concerns, he stated, I was not aware of his concerns. I have not heard anything about that. Last week, I moved his urinal off his bedside table just for infection control purposes. I ask how things are going with him about every week and try to listen. It is about customer service and how they feel about you and being here. That would be something to go over again with the staff. C. On 07/18/19 at 11:42 AM, during an interview with the Administrator regarding R #37's concerns and the possible outcome to the resident, she stated, It could bring the resident down. R #57 D. On 07/15/19 at 3:12 PM during random observation, it was revealed that R #57's of catheter did not have a privacy bag and the catheter bag was visible from the hallway. E. On 07/16/19 at 3:37 PM during an interview, the ADON revealed that R #57 did not have a cover on his catheter bag and she confirmed that a privacy bag should have been in place. R #61 F. On 07/16/19 at 9:36 AM, during an interview, R #61 stated that 2 CNAs, CNA #4 and CNA #5, are curt. They are disrespectful. (Name of CNA #4) is worse. It's a lack of respect. [NAME] On 07/17/19 at 10:27 AM, during an interview, R #61 stated that she had told MDS Coordinator that problems she had been having with CNA #4. H. On 07/17/19 at 11:15 AM, during an interview, the MDS Coordinator stated, On Monday, we have our angel checks. She (R #61) felt like she (CNA #4) spoke to her in a demeaning manor . The MDSC was asked if she had reported this to anyone, she stated That morning (07/15/19) at stand up, I reported it. I. On 07/17/19 at 3:12 PM, during an interview, the DON stated that he was not aware of any concerns R #61 was having with staff. I was not in that meeting, I was getting stuff ready for you all (surveyors). [NAME] On 07/17/19 at 3:20 PM, during an interview, the Administrator stated that she had heard the issues in the Monday stand up meeting, I did know (about the concerns R #61had with CNA #4) but I assumed incorrectly that the nursing would speak to nursing staff. R #200 K. On 07/15/19 at 8:38 AM, during an interview, R #200 said, I like to eat by myself. I just got here last Friday. I haven't been to the dining room and I don't want to go. This morning, the nurse (LPN #1) said 'you have to go to dining room.' The nurse said I have to go to dining to get something to eat but my roommate doesn't because she is long term (care). The CNA brought my food tray in when she was telling me that. She (the nurse) said I had to leave the curtain (privacy curtain) open and the door open so they could keep an eye on me if I ate in here. After she said that, I was not hungry. It was cruel for her to tell me that, I had to fight tears. This morning I asked the pill nurse what these medications were for and she said they are from the doctor you just have to take them. No explanation. She said she was giving me my last pain pill. I was worried and asked her to call my doctor and she said we don't call the doctor for that type of thing we will wait until he comes in. L. On 07/15/19 at 9:01 AM, during observation, R #200 was sitting in bed, the breakfast tray is sitting untouched on the bedside table. The door to the room is open and the privacy curtain is pushed back. M. On 07/15/19 at 9:52 AM, LPN #1 stated, I was told in report (Name of R #200) she is a drug seeker. I came in with all her pills and I said that for your pain pills there is only one left. She said I needed to call the doctor. The night nurse said she always wants extras. I don't know much about her. She flung the pill on the table but took the narcotic. I guess I should not have said it is your last pain pill. I showed her package and said it the last one and said we have 6 hours before next pill is due. They (R #200 and her roommate) want their door closed but she (R #200) could choke (when eating the meal) and that could be a risk. I don't want her eating with the door closed. I want her in the dining room so she can be watched. I did not let them close the door. I won't let her close the door with food in her room. I had never met her before this day. I don't know her. I have not heard anything about her being a choking risk, but I don't know her. Maybe others let her eat with door closed, but I won't let them close her door. N. On 07/18/19 at 10:10 AM, during an interview with the DON (Director of Nurses) regarding R #200's concerns, he stated, I have not heard anything about the nurse insisting the door be open, that curtains be open if the resident is eating in their room. It seems like an over abundance of caution. That was not appropriate to give the resident more hassle about it. The nurse could have said we would like to you to be up and about for recovery. I feel like the nurse did a great disservice telling her the pain medication had run out and I know that became a big concern for this resident. I teach customer service to the staff and that is not it. | 2020-09-01 |