cms_NM: 35

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
35 SANTA FE CARE CENTER 325030 635 HARKLE ROAD SANTA FE NM 87505 2018-10-28 656 D 0 1 GNFO11 **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** Based on observation, record review and interview the facility failed to develop a comprehensive person-centered care plan for 2 (R #29 and R #69) of 2 (R #29 and R #69 ) residents reviewed for 1) oxygen use and care, and 2) dental care. Failure to develop and implement a resident centered care plan may result in staff's failure to understand and implement the needs and treatments of residents possibly resulting in decline in abilities and a failure to thrive. The findings are: Resident #29 [NAME] On 10/22/18 at 9:10 am an observation of R #29 revealed that the resident was using oxygen while sitting in assigned room. B. Record review of baseline care plan dated 05/02/18 revealed that R #29 was admitted with oxygen at 2 liters per minute. C. Record review of Care Plan dated 05/30/18 revealed that R #29 had not been care planned for the use of oxygen. D. On 10/26/18 at 11:00 am, during an interview, the MDS coordinator stated, I was looking for orders for the O2 (oxygen), if he didn't have orders for the O2 he wouldn't be care planned. E. On 10/26/18 at 2:34 pm, during an interview Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON) stated, (resident name) does not have an O2 order, the only place I see is on the admission where they started to mark it yes and then marked it no. I am writing an order for [REDACTED]. Resident #69 F. Record review of the facility facesheet for R #69 dated 08/15/17 revealed, an admitted d 08/15/17. Admission [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. [NAME] On 10/22/18 at 4:21 pm, observation of R #69's teeth revealed, they were brown, worn down and chipped. H. Record review of R #69's Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment (Center for Medicare/Medicaid assessment tool) dated 07/05/18 revealed no triggers for dental issues. 1. MDS dated [DATE] revealed, Triggers: Oral/Dental status: Pain, discomfort, difficulty chewing. Teeth very poor condition, probable caries broken/missing teeth and refuses dental care. Requires good oral hygiene at least 2 times a day. Will continue to care plan. 2. MDS dated [DATE] revealed, Triggers: Oral/Dental status: Cavity or broken natural teeth, pain discomfort, difficulty chewing. Poor oral dentition related to (r/t) weakness, decreased trunk control and cognitive deficit. Will care plan. I. Record review of the care plan dated 09/19/17 for R #69 revealed, no care plan for dental issues. [NAME] On 10/26/18 at 9:07 am, during an interview, the Director of Nursing stated I don't see it on his (R #69) care plan but I am going to get help. K. On 10/26/18 at 9:40 am, during an interview, the MDS Registered Nurse (RN)stated that the issues with his (R #69) teeth are not care plan. L. On 10/26/18 at 10:05 am, the MDS Licensed Practical Nurse stated that dental issues for R #69 should be on the care plan. 2020-09-01