cms_NH: 77

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
77 DOVER CENTER FOR HEALTH & REHABILITATION 305018 307 PLAZA DRIVE DOVER NH 3820 2018-12-07 726 D 1 1 9HC411 **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** > Based on record review and interview, it was determined that the facility failed to ensure an aide in training was properly supervised during the administration of care for one resident in a survey sample of 22 residents. (Resident identifier is #7.) Findings include: Resident #7 Interview on 12/5/18 a.m. with this resident revealed that on 10/2/18 a new male aide put Resident #7 to bed against Resident #7's will and hurt Resident #7 by doing it roughly, and when the resident asked him to stop he didn't until Resident #7 yelled. Then he sponge bathed her peri area but didn't use dry sponge as resident requested; he put on a brief but he made a wound in the area. At next shift the (another) aide said the brief was put on incorrectly and changed it and the resident had pain and is still being treated for [REDACTED].#7 identified the aide, Staff J (LNA), by name and that the resident .was aware that . (Staff J) was a newly licensed nursing assistant and that he had only been working for about a week Review on 12/6/18 a.m. of the wound weekly observation tools for 10/9/18, for Resident #7, revealed right posterior upper thigh superficial abrasion acquired 10/9/18 and left posterior upper thigh superficial abrasion acquired 10/9/18. Record review of the 10/9/18 Skin/Wound Note reveals . skin check was done on resident's buttocs (sic) and upper legs Two superficial skin abrasions observed . right posterior thigh left posterior thigh Wound consult order was also obtained Interview on 12/7/18 a.m. with Staff [NAME] (director of nursing), revealed that Staff J started in the kitchen as a dietary aide, until he was certified as nurse aide. Review on 12/07/18 a.m. of Staff J's employee record revealed a Personnel Action Form for Dietary Aide effective date 5-11-18 lists date employed as 5-11-18. The NH (New Hampshire) State Police Criminal Records Unit check completed 5/8/18 found no record. The BEAS (bureau of elderly and adult services) State Registry check completed 5/11/18 was no finding. The OIG (office of inspector general) search conducted 11/23/18 was negative. And the NH Online Licensing printout reveals the issue date for LNA as 10/12/18. Review on 12/07/18 p.m. of the Mandatory Competency Check off List for Staff J revealed most Skills were rated Acceptable on 11/1/18; but Peri / Incontinence Care, Indwelling Catheter Care, Mouth Care and Nail care were all rated Unacceptable on 11/1/18, with a Re-demonstration Date of 11/15/18. Interview on 12/07/18 01:08 PM with Staff [NAME] revealed Staff J was in training (still enrolled in LNA class at that time and was competent to do that care from that class) when he did the peri-care to the resident on 10/2/18, he was doing that care alone but should not have been as he wasn't cleared to be on the floor but Resident #7 wanted him to come in and do the care and the resident knew he was in training. The buttock abrasions are not related to that 10/2/18 care as they did not appear until some days later. The 10/2/18 incident was reported to Staff [NAME] that day or shortly after. Staff J was off the floor and not working alone while the incident was investigated. His abuse training was on 5/11/18. 2020-09-01