cms_NH: 72

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
72 DOVER CENTER FOR HEALTH & REHABILITATION 305018 307 PLAZA DRIVE DOVER NH 3820 2019-05-13 804 E 0 1 5N2V11 Based on observation, resident interviews and resident council it was determined that the facility failed to provide foods that are palatable, attractive and at an appropriate temperature. (Resident identifiers are: #5, #56, #66, #79, and #244) Findings include: Observation on 5/8/19 at 1:00 p.m. during mealtime observations meal carts on the Glennwood unit arrived over an hour late. The carts were to arrive at 12:00 p.m. but instead arrived at 1:00 p.m. Staff on the unit stated to surveyor that this happens a lot and it's difficult to care for residents and for staff to schedule their lunch breaks when the food cart come to the floor so late. Several residents on the unit during interviews stated that the food is cold lots of time, staff will heat it up but then it gets tough and chewy because it has to be microwaved. Interview on 5/9/19 at 2:04 p.m. with Staff A (Administrator), Staff B (Regional manager), and Staff C (Director of food services from Massachusetts) confirmed that all food products are canned foods and are not cooked to order just poured out of a can and heated. Observation on 5/9/19 at 11:30 a.m. of the Foods prepared were Turkey stew, Diced Pork with Gravy, Mashed potatoes, etc A test tray was performed at this time, the foods that was served were Diced Turkey with Gravy, Mashed potatoes along with a salad and Pear Crisp with Topping. The diced Turkey with gravy was none palatable and looked and tasted like ham. Also the potatoes were bland, and non palatable. These findings were told to Staff C and Staff A at the time of the test tray being performed. Staff C also questioned the looks of the Turkey and the taste along with the potatoes, stating they need to work outside the food menu that is provided by corporate to have these foods taste better. Interview on 05/09/19 8:38 a.m. with three kitchen staff, regarding times the cart gets to the units, and food temperatures, and what may be the cause. One staff member spoke up Staff D (Cook), who revealed that the right side of the main steam tray line is not as hot as it used to be. At this time food was removed from the steam cart and water temp was tested the right bay temperature closest to the oven tested at 120 degrees and the other two bays were over 140 degrees but could not continue hold the thermometer due to temperature of steam. Interview on 5/10/19 10:41 a.m. with Staff C and Staff D (Cook) regarding meal times and times of cart services were asked if the main dining room is served their meals at 12 p.m. how do you service Glennwood's meals since on the Meal Delivery Times shows that Glennwood is being served trays at 12 p.m. and 12:15 p.m. Staff D said they do their best to get the trays out but sometimes they have to stop tray services to the units at 12 p.m. and serve the main dining room then they will start tray line again to the units which does cause trays to be late. A Resident's Council meeting of 5/9/19 revealed that all twelve residents present felt that the food at the facility was not palatable. Residents who attended this meeting mentioned mystery meat being served at the facility meaning they didn't know from tasting it what kind of meat had been served. They felt that this was because of the poor quality of the food. Resident #244. Interview on 5/8/19 at approximately 10:30 a.m. with Resident #244 revealed that the facility's food is cold and that staff do offer to heat the food but when they do it is over cooked or dried out so that you don't want to eat it. Resident #244 reported that the food was bland no taste and that family brings in food. Resident #244 also reported at this time that the coffee is warm not hot and that when asked the staff will heat it up. Resident #79 Interview on 5/8/19 at approximately 10:00 a.m. with Resident #79 revealed, The food is not good and when you call the kitchen staff to ask for something they are rude and then hang up on you. Resident #56 Interview on 5/8/19 at approximately 11:30 am. with Resident #56 revealed, The food is often times cold and food is not very good. I ordered pancakes today and as soon as I took the cover off of them, I put butter on them and it just sat there - it didn't melt. Resident #66 Interview on 5/8/19 at approximately 9:45 a.m. with Resident #66 revealed Supper meals have changed and are not appetizing, this has come up at council and no changes have been made. We have been asking for oranges for months and there still aren't any available and they run out of what is on the menu all the time. Interview on 5/8/19 at approximately 12:15 p.m. with Staff [NAME] (Medication Nurse Assistant) revealed, The food trucks are late most of the time. Interview on 5/8/19 at approximately 12:20 p.m. with Staff F (Licensed Practical Nurse) revealed, The food trucks are more late than not. It makes it difficult for nursing to assist with toileting with residents from the dining room. They are coming back to the unit when the food trucks are just getting here. Staff are having a hard time taking their own lunches because of this too. Resident #5 Interview on 5/9/19 at approximately 7:35 a.m. with Resident #5 revealed, The food is often cold and doesn't taste well at all. 2020-09-01