cms_NH: 58
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
58 | HAVENWOOD-HERITAGE HEIGHTS | 305016 | 33 CHRISTIAN AVENUE | CONCORD | NH | 3301 | 2019-05-23 | 926 | D | 0 | 1 | XFUZ11 | Based on observation, interview, record review and policy review, it was determined that the facility failed to follow facility smoking policy for 1 out of 1 resident who smoked. (Resident identifier is #11.) Findings include: Review on 5/22/19 of facility's policy titled, Resident Smoking while in the Health Service Center, dated 10/07/16, revealed .complete a smoking evaluation .review status of resident's smoking privileges at least quarterly and more often as needed .update the resident's care plan to indicate the current status of smoking privileges/restrictions Review on 5/22/19 of facility's smoking evaluation, revision date 10/7/16, revealed .for resident who wishes to smoke, perform evaluation on admission, quarterly, at a significant change, or if there has been an incident of unsafe smoking observed or reported Interview on 5/21/19 at 11:42 a.m. with Resident #11 revealed that Resident #11 smoked once a day at the parking lot with staff supervision. Resident #11 stated that they kept their cigarettes in their bedside drawer and that the nurses kept their lighter. Observation on 5/21/19 at 11:42 am in Resident #11's room revealed that Resident #11 had a box of cigarette in their bedside table. Review on 5/23/19 of Resident #11's current smoking care plan revealed that Resident #11 wanted to continue to smoke and that Resident #11 will not smoke without someone present, Resident #11 will smoke 1 cigarette per outing, and Resident #11's friend will accompany resident outside of sliding glass doors, down the ramp, and outside the fence to smoke. Review on 5/23/19 of Resident #11's chart and EHR (Electronic Health Record) revealed that Resident #11's smoking evaluation was completed on 10/7/16. Further review of Resident #11's chart and EHR revealed no other smoking evaluation after 10/7/16. Interview on 5/23/19 at 8:45 a.m. with Staff B (Registered Nurse) confirmed that Resident #11 was the only resident who smoked. Staff B revealed that there was no smoking evaluation done. Staff B stated that they do not do smoking evaluation. Staff B was unable to provide more information regarding smoking evaluation. Interview on 5/23/19 at 8:45 a.m. with Staff D (Unit Coordinator) revealed that Resident #11 was supervised when smoking and that Resident #11 utilized a smoking apron. Interview on 5/23/19 at 9:00 a.m. with Staff A (Unit Manager) revealed that there was no smoking evaluation done after 10/7/16. Staff A stated that they did not know about the smoking policy and smoking evaluations. Staff B also stated that the care plan was not updated as Resident #11 needed a smoking apron and that Resident #11's lighter would be kept at the nurse's medication cart when not used by Resident #11. | 2020-09-01 |