cms_NH: 53
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
53 | GREENBRIAR HEALTHCARE | 305005 | 55 HARRIS ROAD | NASHUA | NH | 3062 | 2018-12-19 | 804 | E | 0 | 1 | P2R411 | Based on a resident complaint, resident record review, interview and observation it was determined the facilty failed to ensure that food is served at appetizing temperatures and not served cold. (Resident identifiers are #72 and #138) Findings include: Review on 12/19/18 Staff P's (Dietician) of documentation of the results of a test tray conducted on unit 5-3 recorded the food temperatures at unacceptably low levels according to the facility form the entree was recorded at 107 degrees and the vegetables recorded at 115 degrees. Staff T (Dietary manager) documented on 12/19/18 and on the other days of survey when the food carts were actually going out to the units next to the times they were supposed to be dispensed to each unit. This documentation showed that on all days of survey the food carts were being dispensed late to all units during all three meals daily because of a shortage of dietary staff. Interview on 12/19/18 with Staff T revealed that on 12/19/18 dietary had only four of the seven needed staff available to help prepare the food carts for dispensing lunch to the facility units. Staff T also revealed that the dietary department needed another cook, two full-time dietary aides and three part-time dietary aides. Review of a resident complaint regarding cold food noted in the minutes of the 11/27/18 meeting of the Resident's food committee revealed that this came from a resident on unit 5-3. The complaint stated that there's not enough staff to serve trays no one is there to pass out trays. Staff T confirmed that this information was verbally passed on to Staff P (Dietician). Interview with Staff P acknowledged receiving this complaint of cold food from Staff T but stated that there was no test tray or other follow up done in response to this resident's complaint of cold food on unit 5-3. Interview on 12/14/18 at 10:35 a.m.with Resident Council had 11 Residents present representing 3 different units in the building. All of the 11 residents in attendance felt like meals were always late getting to the floor and Resident 72 said: the meals are getting colder & colder. Resident #72 also said: In some cases residents are not getting specialized diets or are not always getting what they ordered. Resident #72 also stated that it (meal service) is getting really bad. One resident (Resident number was not identified) has pictures of the meals as presented. One picture showed a hamburger patty, dried out, overcooked (resident said blackened) and curled up. Resident #72 stated: There seems to be a shortage of people working in the Kitchen. They always seem to be 2 or 3 people short in the kitchen. Resident #72 also said there seems to be a lack of supervision in the kitchen, why else would we get such poor (food) service. There is a lot of turnover in the Kitchen. The turnover is incredible, in my lifetime of working, I've never seen turnover this bad. Resident #138 stated: I am about ready to deduct money from my monthly payments for every meal I can't eat. The question was raised by a Resident as to who is managing the kitchen. Resident #72 said: They should have a person in the kitchen that knows the business inside and out so that they can tell staff what they should be doing. Resident #72 has also observed desserts to be uncovered during transport and was worried that dust or crumbs from carts or trays could get into those uncovered desserts. Resident #72 also stated: There are people in management throughout the entire organization who seem to lack experience. | 2020-09-01 |