cms_NE: 59
In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.
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**NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** > Licensure Reference Number 175 NAC 12-006.05 (4) Based on Interview and record review the facility failed to ensure resident bathing preferences were honored for 2 residents (Residents 114, 329) and the facility failed to accommodate resident's care giver preferences for 1 resident (Resident 10). The facility census was 123. Findings are: [NAME] An interview on 09/23/19 at 2:45 PM revealed resident has not had choice when bath is performed. Resident states (gender) documents when baths were given and not given. The following are from Residents 10 calendar notes: 9/5/19 no bath, 9/9/19 no bath, 9/10/19 received bath, 9/12/19 no bath, 9/13/19 no bath, 9/16/19 received bath, 9/19/19 received bath, 9/23/19 received bath. Resident states that bath aide is often taken off baths and used on the floor due to short staffing, sometimes bath aide comes in on off days to catch up on baths but doesn't always get them done as there are 13-15 baths a day. Record review of bath log dated 8/26/19-9/25/19 revealed resident bath schedule and preference of 2 baths a week has not been honored and the agreed upon Mondays and Thursdays are often not the days resident receives baths. The bathing record notes no bath was preformed for 7 days from 09/03/19- 09/09/19. An interview on 09/26/19 with DON confirmed that facility has been short a bath aide and residents have missed scheduled bath days and may only received 1 bath a week during those short staffing times. B. Record Review of care plan dated 5/19/19 Resident would like to get a shower 3x/week to keep from getting skin issues. Staff will try to give (gender) a bath 3x/week. Staff to offer an extra shower if they are available. Record review of dermatology office noted dated 02/22/19 revealed resident has seborrheic [MEDICAL CONDITION] (a skin condition that can cause the scalp to be itchy and causing dry skin and dandruff) located on face and scalp. Resident is to be bathed and have hair shampooed every other day. Record review of bathing log notes that resident only received baths on 02/23/19 and 02/25/19. Next bath was 7 days later on 03/5/19. Next bath was 3 days later on 03/09/19. Following bath was 3 days later on 03/13/19. Resident was admitted to hospital on [DATE] for bowel obstruction. 9 days later a bath was completed on 03/23/19. An interview on 09/26/19 with DON and CSC ( Clinical Service Coordinator) confirmed that facility has been short a bath aide and residents have missed scheduled bath days and may only receive 1 bath a week during those short staffing times. C. An interview on 09/23/19 at 10:40 AM with Resident 10 revealed that (gender) prefers to have female care givers perform perineal cares (the cleaning of genital areas) and not male care givers. Record Review of Care Plan dated 07/31/19 revealed no documentation of Resident 10's choice of no male care givers. Record Review of Progress note dated 9/13/19 revealed resident does not want a male care giver. An interview on 09/24/19 @ 4:25PM with DON stated Resident 10 has gone back and forth with allowing male staff to assist with cares. But the unit it's typically staffed with at least 1 female staff member. An interview on 09/25/19 at 2:30PM with NA (Nursing assistant) I revealed Resident 10 requests to not have male staff help with perineal care. Record review of green binder called (Resident 10's book) revealed a list of Resident 10's care preferences; specifically states resident requested no male care givers. Facility has informed Resident 10 that they cannot accommodate this request. Facility stated they would provide 1 female and 1 male caregiver, if 2 female care takers are not available. Resident 10 has the right to refuse care, the reason that cares are not completed will be documented in green binder. An interview on 09/26/19 at 3:00PM with DON and Clinical Services Coordinator revealed the facility did not understand that they need to provide residents with gender specific caregivers per resident preferences and that facility assessment would need to reflect gender specific caregivers ( no males) as admission denial criteria. Record Review of Facility Assessment not dated revealed under section Guidelines for Conducting the Assessment; For example, if the facility decides to admit resident with care needs who were previously not admitted , such as resident on ventilators the facility assessment would be be reviewed and updated to address how the facility staff, resources, physical environment, etc,. Meet the needs of those resident and any areas requiring attention, such as any training or supplies required to provide care. On page 5 of The Facility Assessment under Ethnic, Cultural or religious factors 1.6 revealed a resident/patients ethnic, cultural, or religious factors, or personal resident preferences, that might potentially affect the care provided to residents. |
2020-09-01 |