cms_MT: 73
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
73 | VALLE VISTA MANOR | 275021 | 402 SUMMIT AVE | LEWISTOWN | MT | 59457 | 2017-10-12 | 514 | E | 0 | 1 | BU9C11 | Based on record review and interview, the facility failed to ensure residents received a bath or shower at least one time per week, and the medical record reflected the provision of baths/showers, for 3 (#s 5, 7, and 10) out of 10 sampled residents. This had the potential to affect all resident's receiving baths in the facility. Findings include: 1. Review of resident #7's care plan, with a review date of 8/2/17, reflected resident #7 required extensive assistance of one staff member to take a bath. The care plan reflected resident #7 needed nail care weekly, usually on her bath days. Review of resident #7's bath record reflected she received two baths in the month of (MONTH) (YEAR). Resident #7 did not receive a bath from (MONTH) 1 through (MONTH) 11, at which time she was given a bath on (MONTH) 12. The bath record reflected resident #7 did not receive a bath from (MONTH) 20 through (MONTH) 1, (YEAR). She received a bath on (MONTH) 2, (YEAR). The medical record lacked evidence of the nail care and bathing each week. During an interview on 10/12/17 at 8:45 a.m., staff member N stated if the resident refuses a bath the electronic charting has a refused option that can be chosen that will show the resident refused. Staff member N stated residents received their baths at least weekly. A request for the facility policy and procedure for resident baths was requested. No policy and procedure was received prior to the end of the survey. 2. A review of resident #10's medical record showed he entered the facility on 9/21/17 with an open left knee wound, which was draining. A review of the facility's resident Bath Schedule showed resident #10 was scheduled to receive a shower/bath twice a week. A review of resident's #10's care documentation showed he received his first shower/bath in the facility 15 days after his admission. During his 21 days in the facility he received only one scheduled bath on 10/7/17, and another unscheduled two days earlier on 10/05/17. The medical record lacked evidence of the showers or baths twice a week. 3. A review of the facility's resident Bath Schedule showed resident #5 was scheduled to receive a shower/bath once a week on Fridays. A review of resident #5's documentation showed she received a shower/bath on 9/2/17, after 16 days she received a second shower/bath, and after 12 more days she received a third shower/bath. The resident's record lacked evidence of the showers or baths provided once a week. | 2020-09-01 |