cms_MT: 72

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
72 VALLE VISTA MANOR 275021 402 SUMMIT AVE LEWISTOWN MT 59457 2017-10-12 371 E 0 1 BU9C11 Based on observation, interview, and record review, the facility failed to monitor and remove outdated food items stored in the resident snack storage refrigerator, in the locked pantry across the hall from the nurses' station. This failure had the potential to affect all residents who consumed outdated food from the snack storage refrigerator. Findings include: During an observation of the facility's locked pantry across the hall from the nurse's station on 10/11/17 at 1:55 p.m., inspection of the snack storage refrigerator contents showed the following: - A 16 oz. container of[NAME]Caramel Dip, previously opened and dated 9/14/17. - A round glass container of soup, labeled with a first name, and dated 9/30/17. - A jar of Famous Dave's pickle chips, labeled with a first name, and dated 9/14/17. - A container of cranberry juice, dated 10/10/17. - Four half bologna and cheese sandwiches in sandwich bags, all dated 10/8/17. During an interview during the observation of the facility's locked pantry, on 10/11/17 at 1:55 p.m., staff member H said that all food kept in the refrigerator for longer than three days was considered outdated and needed to be disposed of. She stated that it was the responsibility of the CNAs on night shift to monitor and discard outdated food in the resident snack refrigerator. She said she would dispose of the above outdated items, and then she proceeded to do so. During an interview on 10/12/17 at 8:02 a.m., staff member F stated the dietary department was responsible for the monitoring and disposal of foods outdated in the resident snack refrigerator. A review of the facility's policy, titled Foods Brought by Family/Visitors, showed the following: Perishable foods must be stored in re-salable containers with tightly fitting lids in the refrigerator. The nursing staff is responsible for discarding perishable foods on or before the use by date. The nursing and/or food service staff must discard any foods on or before the use by date. 2020-09-01