cms_MT: 10

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
10 BENEFIS SENIOR SERVICES 275012 2621 15TH AVE S GREAT FALLS MT 59405 2018-05-17 610 G 0 1 FGZ511 Based on interview and record review, the facility failed to thoroughly investigate an allegation of abuse, for 1 (#76) and prevent further abuse resulting in feelings of not being treated like a human, and fear of physical abuse, for 1 (#451) of 37 sampled and supplemental residents. Findings include: 1. During an interview on 5/15/18 at 2:40 p.m., resident #76 stated (staff member M) had been bird dogging me from the beginning of my stay here. A few weeks ago, (staff member M) said to me 'You keep that mask on or there will be trouble. I'll put you in your room, and you won't come out.' Resident #76 stated he did not need to wear the protective mask, and staff member M did not believe him. During an interview on 5/15/18 at 3:00 p.m., staff member N said she had been the nurse on duty that day, and she thought it was just a misunderstanding between the staff member and the resident. She said she told staff member M he needed to speak nicer to the residents. She thought the event had occurred on the 24th of (MONTH) (YEAR). During an interview on 5/16/18 at 1:36 p.m., NFI stated he was making rounds on 4/27/18, and he was visiting with resident #76. They sat in the lobby, and saw staff member M. Resident #76 and his wife became upset, and said staff member M was not supposed to be working in the cottage, because of their complaint against him. NF1 took the concern to the facility social worker, who stated he knew nothing about resident #76's concern. He discussed it with staff member L, who then did move staff member M to another area. Review of a communication note from staff member L, dated 4/29/18, showed she did talk to staff member M about the incident with resident #76. Staff member M stated the resident did become upset with him, because of the mask not being worn. Staff member M stated he was under the impression that the situation had been taken care of already. Staff member L wrote I assured staff member M he was not in trouble. Review of a written communication from staff member O, undated, showed, The way staff member M talks to residents is unacceptable. Review of staff member E's communication of the situation showed, The patient could not remember the details (of the interaction with staff member M) when interviewed. I will speak to NF1 on Monday to determine the original issue as presented to (NF1). In the meantime, the staff member has been reassigned a different patient load. The follow-up note, dated 4/30/18, showed Per NF1, staff member M was insistent the resident wear a mask for his own safety. The resident refused and the CNA said that he wouldn't be able to leave his room without a mask. An RN became involved and allowed the resident to leave the room. During an interview on 5/17/18 at 10:20 a.m., staff member D stated she had been involved in the incident, but had thought it had just been a misunderstanding, and not verbal or mental abuse. 2. Review of a State Survey Agency Report provided from the facility, dated 5/13/18, showed resident #451 reported staff member M had been verbally abusive, arrogant, and not treating (resident) like a human being. Resident #451 expressed to a nurse that he felt like staff member M was verbally abusive towards him and that after he told staff member M off, and it could have gotten physical. He also stated he would be afraid if he saw staff member M at his door. During an interview on 5/17/18 at 9:40 a.m., resident #451 said, If you are asking me if staff member M acted like this before, the answer is yes. During an interview on 5/17/18 at 10:35 a.m., staff member P stated she absolutely believed resident #451's allegation. Review of a written communication, dated 5/13/18, by staff member Q, showed resident #451 felt embarrassed, and was made to feel a burden when staff member M would take care of him. The resident stated, He should not be taking care of people or have this kind of job. Staff member Q wrote Later, staff member M tried to explain why the resident did not want him in his room, but he mostly just shrugged it off. I told him you have to put yourself in their place and think about how difficult it is to be in their position and to have someone have to physically take care of your toileting needs. The event with resident #451 occurred after the event with resident #76, showing the event with resident #76 was not addressed sufficiently to ensure resident protection in the future relating to staff member M. 2020-09-01