cms_ID: 86

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
86 GATEWAY TRANSITIONAL CARE CENTER 135011 527 MEMORIAL DRIVE POCATELLO ID 83201 2019-04-12 880 E 1 1 WTPU11 **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** > Based on observation, record review, policy review, and staff interview, it was determined the facility failed to implement appropriate infection control practices when assisting residents during dining and after a Hoyer lift transfer of a resident on contact precautions. This was true for 2 of 6 residents (#33 and #42) observed in the assisted dining room and 1 of 4 residents (Resident #16) in contact precaution rooms. These deficient practices created the potential for harm by exposing residents to the risk of infection and cross contamination. Findings include: The facility's Infection Control policy, dated 9/29/17, directed staff to disinfect equipment after each use for residents in contact precaution rooms. 1. Resident #16 was admitted to the facility on [DATE]. Resident #16's record included a physician's orders [REDACTED]. On 4/11/19 at 2:00 PM, CNA #2 and CNA #3 assisted Resident #16 in a Hoyer lift transfer. All staff persons in the room wore personal protective equipment during the transfer. After the task was completed, CNA #2 removed the Hoyer lift from the room and took it down the hall to the shower room. CNA #2 placed the Hoyer lift in the shower room and left the room. On 4/11/19 at 2:30 PM, CNA #2 said she did not cleaned the Hoyer lift after it was used to transfer Resident #16. CNA #2 said she should have cleaned it as the Hoyer lift could have been used for other residents. The Hoyer lift was left in the shower room for use by other staff for other residents without being properly sanitized between uses. On 4/11/19 at 3:10 PM, RN #1 said the Hoyer lift should be disinfected after each use. On 4/11/19 at 3:15 PM, LPN #2 said she thought the Hoyer lift should be cleaned before and after use with each resident. On 4/11/19 at 4:00 PM, the DON said he expected staff to clean the Hoyer lift between resident use. 2. On 4/9/19 at 12:19 PM, CNA #1 sat between Resident #33 and Resident #42 at the assisted dining table in the dining room. CNA #1 assisted both residents using her gloved right hand on the residents' utensils to offer bites of food. She then picked up each resident's napkins from the table and wiped their mouths with their napkins, using her right hand. CNA #1 then continued to assist both residents with the utensils. This process continued through-out the entire meal. CNA #1 did not change her gloves or sanitize her hands when moving between the two residents. On 4/10/19 at 08:38 AM, CNA #1 said she should not have assisted Resident #33 and Resident #42 with wiping their mouths without sanitizing her hands. On 4/10/19 at 9:12 AM, the DON said when assisting residents, he expected staff to only use the left side of their body to assist the person on the left, and the right side their body to assist the person on the right. 2020-09-01