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2017-03-23 |
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Based on observation, staff interview, anonymous interviews, review of dish washer temperature log, and review of the Dish Machine Temperatures policy, revised 1/2016, and the Uniform Dress Code policy dated 1/2016, the facility failed to ensure the high temperature dishwasher wash temperature was maintained at 160 degrees Fahrenheit (F) and final rinse temperature was maintained at 180 degrees (F), or higher, The facility failed to have test strips for the dishwasher and attach the test strips to the dishwasher log as required by facility policy, and failed to ensure that staff wore hair and beard restraints while in the kitchen. This failure had the potential to effect 128 residents that received food from the kitchen. Findings include: Observation on 3/21/17 at 10:37 a.m. of the electronic dishwasher monitor screen revealed that it was red and had a tringle with an exclamation point (!) in it. In an interview at this time Dietary Aide DD stated that the dishwasher monitor screen was red and had an exclamation point in the triangle, because the water temperature in the dishwasher was too low. Dietary Aide DD stated that the dishwasher was a hot water dishwasher, the wash water temperature is supposed to be 160 degrees F and the rinse is supposed to be 180 F, but the water temperature has been fluctuating. Continued observation on 3/21/17 from 10:37a.m. to 10:45 a.m. revealed that the Dietary Aide DD continued to wash the dishes and the monitor continued to be red with an exclamation point inside a triangle. The wash water temperatures on the electronic monitor fluctuated from 132 to 157 degrees F and the rinse temperature fluctuated from 177 degrees F to 192 degrees F. Further observation revealed Dietary Aide DD never verified the water temperature fluctuation with a test strip attached to a dish. In an interview at this time the Dietary Aide stated that he had washed about 10 racks of dishes and the other staff member put them on the storage rack. In further interview, Dietary Aide DD stated that his supervisor instructed him to continue to wash dishes, the repair person had been called and was on his way. In an interview on 3/21/17 at 11:05 AM the Dietary Manager CC stated that she had the staff re- wash all the dishes that were ran through the dishwasher using the three compartment sink and she in-serviced the staff on not using the dishwasher when the water temperatures were not correct. Duringan interview on 3/21/17 at 3:09 PM the Dishwasher repair person stated that the wash water temperature in the dishwasher was only getting up to 140 F degrees for wash temperature and the rinse water temperature was at 160 degrees F, but the wash should be at 160 degrees F, the rinse should be at 180 degree F, he would run his test strips through the dishwasher once he gets the water temperature corrected. In continued interview the Dishwasher repairman stated that the dishwasher booster heater was tripped by the cold water that had been sitting in the pipes and he would email this surveyor the invoice once the work was completed. Surveyor received an email from the dishwasher repair person on 3/21/17 at 4:07 p.m., requesting a call back. When called the repair person stated ESR booster heater not working, Temp was low on rinse and wash tank, reset booster heater, now reading 195 on the rinse, 160 on the wash. During an interview on 3/22/17 at 10:48 AM the Dietary Manager stated that the dishwasher's electric monitor was not working, she called the repair person to replace it and she did not have test strips to check the water temperature of the dishwasher. Review of the facility's Dish Machine Temperatures policy dated revised 1/16 revealed: Single-tank, conveyor, dual temperature machine: Wash temperature 160 degrees F, Final rinse temperature 180 F -194 F. High Temperature Dish machine- Record on Dish machine record form wash and final rinse temperatures during each period of use. Once a day, run a test strip through the dish machine to verify the surface temperature of a dish. Attach the used test strip to the temperature log. The test strip must verify that the surface temperature of the plate reached 160 degrees F. If documentation of the temperatures and test strips has been assigned to a Food and Nutrition Associate confirms that it is completed at each meal period. Director determines if reading is due to malfunctioning gauge or inappropriate temperature .If due to inappropriate water temperature (high temperature machine) or inappropriate concentration of sanitizer solution (low temperature), implements disposable service ware, contacts sources of repairs, documents action taken on back of form. Review of the facility's dishwasher log for the month of (MONTH) (YEAR) revealed that there were no test strips attached to the dishwasher log verify the surface temperature of a dish. In a confidential interview on 3/20/17 at 1:33 p.m. an employee stated that the staff are only wearing hair nets because surveyors were in the building. Observation on 3/21/17 at 12:05 p.m. revealed that Dietary Aide EE had facial hair and was in the kitchen without a beard restraint. In an interview at this time Dietary Aide EE stated that he is supposed to have on a beard restraint when he is in the kitchen. Observation 3/21/17 at 12:05 p.m. revealed that Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) FF was in the main kitchen in the food prep area without a hair net. In an interview on 3/21/17 at 12:01 p.m. the Dietary Manager stated that staff are not supposed to be in the kitchen without hair nets or beard restraints. Review of the facility's Uniform Dress Code policy dated 1/16 revealed . Wear the approved hair restraint when on duty. The only exception is to remove hair restraints when delivering trays to patients/residents . Facial hair must be effectively restrained as per local and state regulations . |
2020-09-01 |