cms_GA: 42
In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.
This data as json, copyable
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2016-11-10 |
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M6O611 |
**NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** Based on observation, record review, and interviews, the facility failed to accurately assess the dental status for one (1) resident (R #30) who had missing and broken teeth and failed to accurately assess the swallowing/nutritional status for one (1) resident (R) (R #72) that exhibited signs and symptoms of possible swallowing disorder by coughing during meals. The sample was thirty six (36) residents. Findings include: 1. Record review for R#30 revealed a Nursing Admission Evaluation and Initial Plan of Care dated 9-8-14 and 10/03/2016, in the oral status section questions #79 and #81 was not checked to indicate the resident had missing and broken teeth. Review of the Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment for R#30 dated 10/10/2016 did not indicate in Section L- Dental Status that the resident had missing and broken natural teeth. Observation conducted on 11/9/2016 at 12:23 p.m., revealed the R#30 sitting in the dining hall waiting for lunch. Missing and broken broken teeth noted during this observation. During an interview with the R#30 on 11/10/2016 at 9:29 a.m., it was observed that he was missing several teeth on the top and bottom of his gums. There were a few teeth on the left bottom gum that was visible when the resident opened his mouth. R#30 revealed he does not have any trouble eating and that he had not talked with anyone about receiving dental services. R#30 further stated that he had gingivitis in the past that resulted in some of his teeth coming out. Interview on 1/10/2016 at 11:54 a.m. with the MDS Coordinator DD confirmed that the MDS assessment for R#30 dated 10/10/2016 did not indicate the resident had broken or missing natural teeth. DD said R#30 would be re-assessed to verify if there are any missing or broken teeth. Subsequent interview with the MDS Coordinator DD conducted on 11/10/16 at 12:15 p.m. confirmed that after re-assessment, R#30 did have missing and broken teeth. DD further confirmed the dental status for R#30 was not properly coded in the MDS assessment. 2. R#72 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Review of the Admission Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment for R#72 dated 8/8/16 documented in Section K- Swallowing/Nutritional Status that the resident did not exhibit any signs and symptoms of possible swallowing disorder. Record review for R#72 revealed a Diet of NCS/NAS (No Concentrated Sweets/No Added Salt), regular texture, nectar thick liquids consistency. Dietary Supplement: Magic cup two times a day with lunch and supper. Review of admission orders [REDACTED]. Review of speech therapy notes dated 8/3/16, 8/4/16, 8/5/16 and 8/8/16 revealed R#72 had swallowing difficulties and was unable to tolerate regular foods well and exhibited coughing while drinking liquids. Interview on 11/10/2016 at 12:56 p.m. with the Dietary Supervisor (DS) revealed that she is responsible for the nutritional status of the MDS assessments. The DS stated she usually gets her information from the nursing assessment, nutritional assessments, [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. The DS confirmed that she inaccurately assesses R#72's swallowing status as having no concerns and that she must have missed it. |
2020-09-01 |