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2018-08-23 |
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07R411 |
Based on observation, record review and staff interview, the facility failed to ensure that two foods served from the steam table were held at 135 degrees or higher; that a fan mounted over a drink preparation area was free of dust; and that the amount of sanitizer used in the low temperature dish machine was 50 parts per million (PPM) to prevent potential chemical contamination of food on two of two observations. There were 123 residents that consumed an oral diet. Findings include: 1. During the initial tour of the kitchen on 8/20/18 beginning at 12:00 p.m., a light to moderate build-up of dust was observed on the wall-mounted fan over the drink preparation area. This same observation was made on 8/21/18 at 3:50 p.m. During interview with the Dietary Manager on 8/23/18 at 9:03 a.m., she stated that Maintenance was responsible for cleaning the fans in the kitchen, and that they did so weekly or every other week. She verified during further interview that the wall-mounted fan over the drink preparation area had a light to moderate dust build-up, would contact Maintenance to clean it, and thought they last cleaned it on Friday (six days ago). During interview with Maintenance Technician II on 8/23/18 at 12:36 p.m., he stated that he cleaned the fan over the drink machine today per the Dietary Manager's request, and that he had no documentation of the last time the fan had been cleaned. 2. During observation of the preparation of pureed foods on 8/21/18 at 3:33 p.m., the food processor parts were observed to be washed in the low-temperature dish machine between and after foods prepared, which was connected to a container of sodium hypochlorite sanitizer. Dietary Aide GG was observed to check the chemical concentration of the final rinse water after running the food processor equipment through using a chlorine test strip, and she stated she would interpret the result as 75 (PPM). She stated during further interview that she was trained that the result should not be less than 50 (PPM). On 8/23/18 at 8:56 a.m., the Dietary Manager was observed checking the sanitizer level in the low-temperature dish machine that was currently in use washing resident breakfast dishes. She stated during interview that she would record the chlorine level as 100 (PPM), and stated she thought the level should be 100. She verified during further interview that the Dish Machine Warewashing log specified a concentration of 50 PPM of the chlorine sanitizer, and stated that a level over 50 was OK as it just meant that more sanitizer was coming out. Review of a Dish Machine Warewashing log for (MONTH) (YEAR) revealed that the Chlorine Sanitizer PPM range was listed as 50 PPM, and the results obtained from 8/1/18 through 8/23/18 at noon revealed concentrations between 75 and 100 PPM recorded 65 of 68 times. Review of the facility policy Sanitization revised (MONTH) 2008 revealed: Low-Temperature Dishwasher (Chemical Sanitization): Final rinse with 50 parts per million hypochlorite (chlorine) for at least 10 seconds. Review of the facility policy Dishwashing Machine Use revised (MONTH) 2010 revealed: Dishwashing machine chemical sanitizer concentrations and contact times will be as follows: Chlorine: Minimum Concentration 50-100 ppm. 3. During observation of steam table temperatures taken at supper by Cook HH on 8/21/18 at 5:25 p.m. using the facility's calibrated thermometer, all of the foods were observed to be greater than 135 degrees Fahrenheit (F), except for the meatballs which did not register above 120 degrees F after several checks, and the Prince Edward blend vegetables temperature was 110 degrees F. This was verified during interview with the Dietary Manager at this time, who instructed staff to remove the two foods and place them back in the steamer to reheat. The Dietary Manager further stated that two residents had already received the meatballs. During interview with the Dietary Manager on 8/23/18 at 9:03 a.m., she verified that both the meatballs and the mixed vegetables were below the required holding temperature of 135 degrees at supper on 8/21/18. She further stated that about six residents had already been served the mixed vegetable. She stated during continued interview that food for supper was usually placed on the steam table around 5:00 p.m., and that most of the juices had gone out of the pan by the time the temperatures were checked on 8/21/18. The Dietary Manager further stated that the meatballs were usually held in a smaller pan than they were on 8/21/18. Review of the facility's Food Preparation and Service policy with a revised date of (MONTH) 2014 revealed: Food Preparation, Cooking and Holding Temperatures and Times: 1. The danger zone for food temperatures is between 41 degrees F and 135 degrees F. This temperature range promotes the rapid growth of pathogenic microorganisms that cause foodborne illness. 2. Potentially hazardous foods include meats, poultry, seafood, cut melon, eggs, milk, yogurt and cottage cheese. 3. The longer foods remain in the danger zone the greater the risk for growth of harmful pathogens. Therefore, PHF (potentially hazardous foods) must be maintained below 41 degrees F or above 135 degrees F. |
2020-09-01 |