cms_DE: 28
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
28 | KENTMERE REHABILITATION AND HEALTHCARE CENTER | 85001 | 1900 LOVERING AVENUE | WILMINGTON | DE | 19806 | 2018-12-06 | 842 | D | 1 | 1 | H65F11 | > Based on record review and interview, it was determined that the facility failed to ensure that medical records were complete and accurately documented for one (R100) out of 54 sampled residents. Findings include: Review of R100's EMR revealed the following: 7/24/18 - R100 was admitted post hospitalization for short term rehabilitation services with the goal of discharge to home. 7/24/18 - A Social Services Initial Psychosocial Evaluation stated that R100's expected length of stay was 10-14 days and the resident wants to be able to function well enough to go home. 7/27/18 1:51 PM - A nurse's progress note stated R100 was alert and oriented to person, place and time and was able to make needs known. 8/8/18 - Care Plan Meeting Notes stated, Discussed discharge with resident and daughter. Resident does forget some things and has loss of balance with walking .She is going to need 24 hours (sic) care. Daughter would like to take her .but at this time is unable to. Decided to keep her at Kentmere until she can locate a facility .and then have transitions there .last covered day for therapy will be 08/10/2018 .Will convert her over to Medicaid at that point for LTC (Long Term Care). 8/8/18 - Physical Therapy Treatment Encounter Note stated, Discharge meeting is attended by the patient, her daughter .and facility staff .It is decided that the patient will remain at this facility if it is a temporary situation . 8/24/18 11:03 AM - A Medical Note stated, .for upcoming discharge .evaluated pt (patient) for upcoming d/c (discharge) - scripts (prescriptions) written . The EMR lacked any notes regarding R100's change from staying as LTC versus her being discharged to home. The facility failed to ensure that medical records were complete and accurate. 8/27/18 - The MDS discharge assessment stated R100 was independent for daily decision making. 12/5/18 approximately 12:10 PM - During an interview, E6 (SW) stated that R100 was passive during meetings and went along with what her daughter said. However, R100 then decided that she was going home to her apartment. E6 confirmed that documentation was lacking regarding R100's desire for discharge. Findings were reviewed on 12/6/18 at approximately 7:45 PM at the exit conference with E1 (NHA), E2 (DON), E3 (ADON), and E14 (QA). | 2020-09-01 |