cms_DE: 1

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
1 KENTMERE REHABILITATION AND HEALTHCARE CENTER 85001 1900 LOVERING AVENUE WILMINGTON DE 19806 2016-07-18 225 D 0 1 Z68211 Based on record review, interview and review of the other facility documents, it was determined that the facility failed to ensure that an allegation that had the potential for emotional abuse for one (R8) out of 30 Stage 2 sampled residents, was reported immediately to the State Agency. Additionally, the facility failed to have documented evidence that this allegation was thoroughly investigated. Findings include: The facility's Administrative Policy entitled Investigation Protocol, effective date (MONTH) (YEAR), stated, .to attempt to determine if abuse .to provide appropriate follow-up including intervention to prevent further incidents. Procedure .1 .The investigator will maintain neutrality and conduct an impartial investigation. 2 .The investigation will be thorough, prompt, and include data collection and analysis. Investigator Responsibilities 1. Log the alleged event on an incident report via computer/manual tracking form (Resident Incident Monitoring Log) .Documentation must provide evidence that alleged violations are thoroughly investigated (i.e., summary report, copies of record, summary witness statements, etc.) .Complete and submit summary of findings of investigation to State within five (5) working days of incident. Include summary of any corrective action . Review of R8's clinical record revealed: R8's 6/25/16 quarterly MDS assessment stated that R8 was cognitively intact. 7/11/16 at 11:48 PM, a nurse's note stated At about 1900 (7:00 PM) staff (unknown) reported to this writer (E10 RN) that Resident slapped her (unknown staff) on her face. This writer went to Resident's room, Resident appeared to be angry, Resident states 'am going to report that girl to the State tomorrow she was laughing at me'. Resident calm and relaxed at this time. During an interview with E2 (DON) on 7/15/16 at 10:20 AM, she stated that there was no incident report for this occurrence. 7/15/16 at approximately 3:30 PM, E10 (RN) and E2 were interviewed. E10 stated that she investigated the situation, however, she did not write an incident and an investigation report. E10 and E2 stated that the allegation of staff laughing at her was part of R8's behavior problems. There was no documented evidence in the clinical record of R8's behavior of previous allegations of staff laughing at her. The facility failed to recognize that R8's statement was an allegation that had the potential for emotional abuse. The facility failed to ensure that the alleged incident was recorded on an incident report and was thoroughly investigated with documented evidence of such. This finding was discussed with E2 on 7/18/16 at 4:30 PM. 2020-09-01