cms_AL: 86
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
86 | HATLEY HEALTH CARE INC | 15023 | 300 MEDICAL CENTER DRIVE | CLANTON | AL | 35045 | 2018-05-10 | 812 | F | 0 | 1 | YKK111 | Based on observations, interviews and review of facility policies titled, Equipment, Food Storage: Dry Goods, Service Line Checklist, Food: Preparation, and Staff Attire and review of the (YEAR) Food Code U.S. (United States) Public Health Service FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the facility failed to ensure: 1) a stored blender was free of debris; 2) food items in the dry storage area was sealed; 3) temperatures of all food items on the trayline were taken; and 4) dietary workers hair was completely enclosed in their hairnets and strains of loose hair was not on the back of a dietary worker's shirt. This had the potential to affect 131 of 132 residents who received meals from the kitchen. Findings Include: 1) A review of a facility policy titled, Equipment, with a revised date of 09/17, revealed: Policy Statement All food service equipment will be clean, sanitary . Procedures . 3. All food contact equipment will be cleaned and sanitized after every use. A review of the (YEAR) Food Code, revealed: . 4-701.10 Food Contact Surfaces . Equipment Food-Contact Surfaces . shall be SANITIZED. 4-702.11 Before use After Cleaning. FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be SANITIZED Before Use after cleaning. On 05/08/18 at 4:57 p.m., the surveyor observed powdered sugar and icing located on the bowl holder and on the back plate of the mixer. The mixer was stored away under a plastic covering to be used again. There was chocolate icing on the bag that covered the mixer. On 5/10/18 at 1:13 p.m., an interview was conducted with (Employee Identifier) EI #23, a Dietary Aide. EI #23 was asked what did she see on the mixer on 05/08/18. EI #23 replied, powdered sugar. EI #23 was asked was it put away for next use. EI #23 replied, yes ma'am. EI #23 was asked, who was responsible for making sure equipment was clean before covering it up. EI #23 replied, the last person who used it. EI #23 was asked why was it important that equipment was clean when putting it away. EI #23 replied, everything was suppose to be sanitized. EI #23 was asked, what was the facility's policy on cleaning equipment. EI #23 replied, clean the work area when finished. 2) A review of a facility policy titled, Food Storage: Dry Goods, with a revised date of 09/17 revealed: . Procedures . 5. All packaged . food items will be kept clean, dry and properly sealed. 6. Storage area will be . arranged for easy identification, and date marked as appropriate. On 05/08/18 at 4:24 p.m., the surveyor toured the storage area along with EI #23. Pure cane sugar was in a large zip lock bag and the zip lock bag was not sealed. The open date was 04/19/18, but no use by date was observed. There was a large zip lock bag with cake mix in it. The open date was 05/03/18 but no use by date was observed and the the zip lock bag was not sealed. There was a large bag of Rottini noodles opened on 03/21/18. The noodles were tied, but there was a large hole at the opening of the bag exposing the noodles and there was no use by date. On 05/10/18 at 1:18 p.m., an interview was conducted with EI #23. EI #23 was asked while touring the dry storage area what did she notice about the cake mix, bag of sugar and Rottini noodles. EI #23 replied, they were all opened. EI #23 was asked how should opened food be properly stored. EI #23 replied, in a sealed bag. EI #23 was asked what was the problem with leaving opened food items exposed or unsealed. EI #23 replied, it could cause bugs and was unsanitary. EI #23 was asked who was responsible for making sure food was stored properly. EI #23 replied, the person that used it last. 3) A review of a facility document titled, Service Line Checklist, with a date of 05/09/18, revealed during the lunch meal, no temperature of the main meat, (chicken) was taken and recorded. A review of a document titled, Food: Preparation, with a revised date of 9/17, revealed: . Procedures . 13. All foods will be held at appropriate temperatures, greater than 135 F (Fahrenheit) .14. Temperature for TCS (Time Temperature Control for Safety) foods will be recorded at time of service . On 05/09/18 at 10:25 a.m., during the lunch meal trayline, the surveyor observed EI #18, the Dietary Aide, taking temperatures on the trayline. All temperatures of the food were taken and written down except the temperature of the fried chicken. On 05/10/18 at 1:27 p.m., the surveyor conducted an interview with EI #18. EI #18 was asked, who was responsible for taking temperatures on the tray line. EI #18 replied, the head cook. EI #18 was asked what did the facility policy say about taking food temperatures on the tray line. EI #18 replied, take the temperature of food once it was put on the tray line. EI #18 was asked why should food temperatures be taken on the tray line. EI #18 replied, to make sure it was above the temperature danger zone. EI #18 was asked when should food temperature be taken on the tray line. EI #18 replied, once the food was set up, and right before you start serving. EI #18 was asked what was the potential harm when food items were not taken on the tray line. EI #18 replied, she had to make sure it was above the danger zone because if it was below it could grow bacteria. EI #18 was asked did she take the temperature of the chicken on 05/09/18. EI #18 replied, no ma'am. EI #18 said she over looked that one. EI #18 was asked where was it documented that she took the temperature of the chicken on the tray line. EI #18 said that it was not on there (menu log) On 05/10/18 at 1:40 p.m., an interview was conducted with EI #17, the Kitchen Manager. EI #17 was asked who was responsible for taking the temperatures on the trayline. EI #17 replied, the head cook. EI #17 was asked what did the facility's policy say about taking temperatures of food items on the tray line. EI #17 replied, TCS foods would be recorded at time of service. EI #17 was asked where was it documented. EI #17 replied, it was not. EI #17 said the square was empty, referring to the lunch menu log. 4) A review of a facility policy titled, Staff Attire, with a revised date of 9/17, revealed: . Procedures 1. All staff members will have their hair off the shoulder, confined in a hair net or cap . On 05/09/18 at 11:07 a.m., the surveyor observed three Dietary Aides, EI #16, 21 and 22, at the tray line with hair coming out of their nets. EI #16's hair was touching the top of her clothing. Some of her hair had broken off and was on the back of her top. EI #17, hair was hanging out at the back of her hair net. On 05/10/18 at 1:33 p.m., the surveyor conducted an interview with EI #17. EI #17 was asked who should wear hairnets. EI #17 replied, every body in the kitchen. EI #17 was asked, when should a hairnet be worn. EI #17 replied, anytime in the kitchen, and around the food production area. EI #17 was asked how should a hairnet be properly worn. EI #17 replied, pulled down with the hair pulled in. EI #17 was asked what was the problem with hair hanging out of the net. EI #17 replied, it had the potential for hair to fall into the food. EI #17 was asked was there hair on the back of a worker's clothing. EI #17 replied, yes. EI #17 was asked which dietary workers hair was not completely enclosed within their hairnet. EI #17 replied, EI #16, 21 and 22. | 2020-09-01 |