cms_AL: 69
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
69 | MERRY WOOD LODGE | 15019 | P O BOX 130 | ELMORE | AL | 36025 | 2020-03-03 | 812 | F | 1 | 1 | LZCS11 | > Based on observations, interviews and a review of a facility policy titled, Food Storage: Cold Foods, the facility failed to ensure: 1. outdated food was not stored in the walk-in cooler, and 2. food items were labeled with a received date or use by date prior to storage in the walk-in cooler/reach-in freezer. These failures had the potential to affect 89 residents receiving meals from the kitchen out of 92 total residents residing in the facility. Findings Include: The facility policy titled, Food Storage: Cold Foods, with a revised date of 4/2018, included . Procedures . 5. All foods will be stored . labeled and date, and arranged . to prevent cross contamination . On 02/29/20 at 01:18 p.m., the surveyor observed food items in the walk-in cooler. There was one container of Sliced Peaches with no prepared date or use by date, one container of Strawberries prepared on 0[DATE] and labeled with a use by date of 01/30/20, one container of Prepared Yellow Salad Mustard with an opened date of 12/25/19 and labeled with a use by date of 01/25/20, and one bag of turkey with an open date of 02/15/20 and labeled with a use by date of 02/25/20. On 02/29/20 at 01:31 p.m., the surveyor observed food items in the reach-in freezer. The following items were observed: one bag of Spinach with an open date of 0[DATE] and no use by date, one bag of pepperoni slices with no open date and a use by date of 12/09/20, and one unopened roll of Ground Turkey with a received date of 12/13/19 and labeled with a use by date of 01/13/19. On 03/02/20 at 09:08 a.m., the surveyor conducted an interview with EI (Employee Identifier) #1, the Lunch Cook. The surveyor asked EI #1, what does a use by date mean. EI #1 stated, use it by that date or throw it away the next day. The surveyor asked EI #1 why the following items were observed in the walk-in cooler on 02/29/20 at 01:18 p.m.: one container of Sliced Peaches with no prepared date or use by date, one container of Strawberries prepared on 0[DATE] and labeled with a use by date of 01/30/20, one container of Prepared Yellow Salad Mustard with an opened date of 12/25/19 and labeled with a use by date of 01/25/20, and one bag of turkey with an opened date of 02/15/20 and labeled with a use by date of 02/25/20. EI #1 stated the items had been overlooked by staff. The surveyor asked EI #1 why the following items were observed in the reach-in freezer on 02/29/20: one bag of Spinach with an opened date of 0[DATE] and no use by date, one bag of pepperoni slices with no open date and a use by date of 12/09/20, and one unopened roll of Ground Turkey with a received date of 12/13/19 and a use by date of 01/13/19. EI #1 again stated these items had been overlooked by staff. EI #1 was asked, what was the facility's policy on labeling food items prior to storage. EI #1 stated all food items should be dated and labeled with open and use by date before placing in proper storage areas. The surveyor asked EI #1, what was the potential concern of storing foods not labeled with use by dates and storing items past their use by dates. EI #1 stated it could cause food borne illness or contamination, which could lead to sickness. On 03/02/20 at 09:36 a.m., the surveyor conducted an interview with EI #2, the Dietary Manager. The surveyor asked EI #2, who was responsible for ensuring the food items were discarded when out of date in the walk-in cooler/refrigerator/freezer. EI #2 stated, all staff. The surveyor asked EI #2, what was the potential concern of storing foods not labeled with use by dates and storing items past their use by dates. EI #2 stated, it could cause food borne illness, which could lead to sickness. | 2020-09-01 |