cms_AL: 67
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
67 | MERRY WOOD LODGE | 15019 | P O BOX 130 | ELMORE | AL | 36025 | 2020-03-03 | 756 | D | 1 | 1 | LZCS11 | **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** > Based on record review, interviews, review of the consultant pharmacist's February 2020 Medication Regimen Review reports, and review of policies titled 9.1 Medication Regimen Review and 3.8 [MEDICAL CONDITION] Medication Use, the facility failed to ensure the consultant pharmacist identified concerns during the February 2020 medication review with Resident Identifier (RI) #24's [MEDICATION NAME], an antipsychotic medication, that was ordered on [DATE] without adequate justification for use. This affected RI #24, one of six sampled residents reviewed for unnecessary medications. Findings include: Review of the policy titled 9.1 Medication Regimen Review, dated 11/28/16, revealed the following: .PROCEDURE . 1.1 The drug regimen of each skilled nursing facility resident must be reviewed at least once a month by a licensed pharmacist. Review of the policy titled 3.8 [MEDICAL CONDITION] Medication Use, revised 11/28/16, revealed the following: POLICY This Policy 3.8 sets forth procedures relating to [MEDICAL CONDITION] medication use. DEFINITION A [MEDICAL CONDITION] drug is any medication that affects brain activities associated with mental processes and behavior, PROCEDURE . 8. Antipsychotic medications used to treat Behavioral or Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) must be clinically indicated, be supported by an adequate rationale for use, and may not be used for a behavior with an unidentified cause. RI #24 was originally admitted to the facility on [DATE] with a [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Review of hospital records indicated RI #24 was transferred to the hospital on [DATE] due to complaints of chest pain, where he/she remained overnight until readmitted to the facility on [DATE]. Review of RI #24's current physician orders [REDACTED]. However, review of RI #24's order history, revealed RI #24 had not received [MEDICATION NAME] since the order was previously discontinued on 11/02/2018. Further, review of RI #24's current comprehensive care plans revealed no care plan for any behaviors. Review of the Pharmacy Consultation Reports indicated monthly Medication Regimen Reviews had been conducted from 2/16-2/18/20. RI #24's recommendation reports indicated the pharmacist had not identified a concern with the order for [MEDICATION NAME]. On 3/03/20 at 3:18 PM, a consultant Pharmacist (Pharmacist #1) was asked to explain the [MEDICAL CONDITION] Medication Use policy and the reference to a clinically indicated use and rationale. Pharmacist #1 stated there were a number of psychiatric disorders, as well as behaviors with intention for harm, that would warrant the use of antipsychotic medication. Pharmacist #1 stated he had not reviewed the policy in some time and did not realize it was so vague. When asked about [MEDICATION NAME] and whether Dementia or Alzheimer's would be an appropriate [DIAGNOSES REDACTED].#1 said no, unless there were documented behaviors or other diagnoses. Pharmacist #1 stated he filled orders for medications, but Pharmacist #2 was in the facility each month to conduct the medication reviews. Pharmacist #2 was interviewed on 3/03/2020 at 3:35 PM. Pharmacist #2 stated RI #24 had been prescribed [MEDICATION NAME] once daily for Alzheimer's. When asked what types of [DIAGNOSES REDACTED].#2 said dementia with associated behaviors. He further stated Alzheimer's was not the best [DIAGNOSES REDACTED].#24's [MEDICATION NAME]. After reviewing the information he had available on RI #24, Pharmacist #2 said he had notes indicating he had recommended a dose reduction on RI #24's [MEDICATION NAME] on 7/2/18 and it had been completely discontinued as of his note on 12/4/18. Pharmacist #2 also indicated another pharmacist (Pharmacist #3) made a note on 1/28/2020 that indicated RI #24 was receiving [MEDICATION NAME] 25 mg daily for Dementia. When asked what was an adequate rationale for use of an antipsychotic, Pharmacist #2 said [MEDICAL CONDITION]'s, [MEDICAL CONDITION], or Dementia with behaviors; He further stated dementia without behaviors would not be a reason to warrant use of [MEDICATION NAME]. As far as making a recommendation regarding the rationale and [DIAGNOSES REDACTED].#24's [MEDICATION NAME], Pharmacist #2 said he must have missed it when doing his February 2020 review. | 2020-09-01 |