aha2018staffing_state: 31

Data provided by Big Local News includes hospital staffing aggregated by U.S. metropolitan area and states. Compiled from the American Hospital Association (AHA) 2018 Annual Survey, the data provides counts for medical residents/interns, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, respiratory therapists and some physicians. Please cite the data source as: American Hospital Association 2018 Annual Survey provided via Big Local News. See the README file for additional details and data definitions.

This data as json, copyable

rowid STATECODE STATENAME hospitals hospbeds resid_ft rn_ft lpn_ft resp_ft tot_ft resid_pt rn_pt lpn_pt resp_pt tot_pt resid_fte rn_fte lpn_fte resp_fte tot_fte physpriv pop2018_tot pop2018_60plus pop2018_60pluspct
31 34 New Jersey 82 20901 2724 32323 611 1523 109986 11 13657 222 1030 44038 2730 39149 727 2038 129182 6052 8908520 2011085 0.225748496944498